    摘要本文以大口径弹头为研究对象,根据大口径步枪弹头的研究现状,为优化弹头外形设计,用Fluent Gambit建立弹头外流场数值仿真模型并生成网格,通过Fluent获取相关的气动力参数,对不同参数变化下的弹头进行气动特性分析,具体工作如下:
    关键词 大口径弹头 气动力系数 流场特性 数值模拟 气动特性分析
    Title    Large-caliber bullet shape design and aerodynamic characteristics analysis                                    
    In the paper, with large-caliber bullet as the research object, and according to research status of large-caliber bullet,in order to optimize the design of the structure of the projectile, Numerical simulation of projectile outflow established model and generate grid using Fluent Gambit. Access to relevant aerodynamic parameters with Fluent. Different parameters of the projectile under the aerodynamic characteristics were analyzed, the main works are as follows:
    First, existing mature large-caliber projectile shape as a benchmark, make the appropriate changes in the radius of the arc portion of its arc degrees minister, stern angle, aft length of the four parameters, a parameter is changed three times.the model will be built in the overall model projectile by CATIA.  provide support for the subsequent part of the work.
    Secondly, meshing settings by Gambit, generate unstructured network, and Setting the boundary conditions after mesh generation.through Fluent fluid simulation, Get a different aerodynamic shape of the flow field characteristics of warheads and drag coefficients,It analyzes the variation of the pressure cloud and drag coefficients and characteristics.
    Finally, comparative analysis of the aerodynamic characteristics of the different aerodynamic shape of the projectile.
    Keywords large caliber projectiles;aerodynamic coefficients; flow characteristics; numerical simulation;  aerodynamic characteristics
    目   次
    1 绪论    3
       1.1 课题研究背景及意义    3
       1.2 国内外研究概况    4
       1.3 本文工作    5
    2 不同参量弹头的CATIA建模    6
       2.1 弹头外形方案的确定    6
       2.2 不同气动外形弹头参量改变    7
       2.3 本章小结    12
    3 Gambit网格划分    13
       3.1 Gambit简介    13
       3.2 网格划分     13
       3.3 本章小结    14
    4 Fluent求解器相关设置及数值方法    15
       4.1 计算流体力学    15
       4.2 数值理论方法    16
       4.3 弹头绕流场的数值模拟边界条件    20
       4.4 Fluent求解器相关设置    20
       4.5 本章小结    22
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