    关键词  变初速 发射装置 非致命 内弹道 泄气孔
    Title    A variable velocity launcher design and analysis                     
    This paper designed a launcher which can change the muzzle velocity of projectile by revealing part of the gunpowder gas to reduce the chamber pressure when the projectile motion in the chamber. the device can adjust the muzzle velocity, and different distance of deadly killer.
    The deadly killer from kinetic energy and specific kinetic energy is based on the literature; then through the outer ballistic calculation, respectively obtained the muzzle velocity of deadly killer in 20m、40m、60m and 80m place;Then set up a new ballistic model and software program,  we calculated and analyzed the bleeder port’s location, size, and the volume of frustrated chamber. According to these parameters, I designed the specific structure of frustrated device; Then according to the principle of mechanical design, designed the switch of the amount of the different distance of frustrated. At last, I established the three-dimensional model。
    Keywords: variable muzzle velocity,launcher,the deadly killer,interior ballistic, bleeder port
    目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  研究背景及意义1
    1.2  国内外发展现状1
    1.3  本文的工作内容2
    1.4  变初速方案分析3
    2  非致命杀伤阀值与外弹道计算4
    2.1 非致命杀伤判据4
    2.2  外弹道计算7
    3  变初速发射装置内弹道模型与分析13
    3.1  变初速发射基本原理13
    3.2  内弹道数学模型13
    3.3  内弹道解算16
    3.4  内弹道计算结果17
    4  变初速装置的设计19
    4.1  变初速发射装置总体方案19
    4.2  变初速发射装置方案(一)组成及工作原理20
    4.3  变初速发射装置的相关部件设计23
    4.4  变初速发射装置方案(二)32
    结论 34
    致谢 35
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景及意义
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