    摘要弹载数据存储器用来对导弹飞行过程中的各种动态参数进行采集和存储,为导弹的设计和改进提供有效的数据。但弹载数据存储器通常被放置在弹体有限的空间里,为减小弹载信号存储器的面积,可以用复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)实现数字电路的一些功能。本文主要介绍了一种利用CPLD实现铁电存储器(FRAM)功能的方法,使用Verilog HDL语言在QuartusⅡ软件上编写存储器模块实现FRAM的存储功能,编写I2C协议实现FRAM的通信功能,并在Modelsim软件上对程序进行仿真。仿真结果表明,存储容量为32kbit,数据传输速率达2.5Mbit/s,符合设计要求。28101
    关键词  弹载数据存储器  复杂可编程逻辑器件  铁电存储器  I2C协议
    Title  The Design And Implementation Of The Missile-borne data   memory Based On CPLD                                    
    The missile-borne data memory is used to collect and store various dynimic parameters of the missile throughout the flight in order to provide valid data for the designment and improvement of the missile. However, the missile-borne data memory is usually placed in the limited space of the missile, in order to reduce the area of the missile-borne data memory, we can use a CPLD to realize part of the function of the digital circuits. This article introduce a method of using a CPLD to realize the function of the FRAM, in the quartusⅡ software, I use the Verilog programming language to write a memory module in order to realize the storage function of the FRAM and write the I2C protocol to realize the communication function of the FRAM, then I complete a simulation for the program in the Modelsim software. The simulation results show that the storage capacity is 32kbit and the rate of data transfer is up to 2.5Mbit/s, and this meet the design requirements.
    Keywords  missile-borne data memory  CPLD  FRAM  I2C protocol
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    2  复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD    6
    2.1  CPLD特点及简介    6
    2.2  FPGA特点及简介    7
    2.3  CPLD和FPGA的主要区别    7
    2.4  CPLD器件选型    8
    3  软件开发平台与硬件描述语言    10
    3.1  软件开发平台QuartusⅡ    10
    3.2  硬件描述语言Verilog HDL    11
    4  程序设计    15
    4.1  铁电存储器FRAM    15
    4.2  I2C协议说明    16
    4.3  总体设计方案    19
    5  仿真结果分析    25
    5.1  仿真软件Modelsim    25
    5.2  测试脚本的编写    25
    结  论    30
    致  谢    31
    附录A  程序    34
    附录B  测试脚本    46
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景和意义
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