    毕业论文关键词   工业机器人   751自由度   结构设计   谐波减速器
    Title   the Mechanism and Designed Principle of Industrial Robot                                                 
    In today's machinery manufacturing industry, in order to improve the production efficiency and guarantee the product quality, more and more enterprises gradually pay attention to the automation of production process. The importance of the industrial robot in automatic production’s line, makes it be accepted and adopted by the enterprise gradually. Currently, the main industrial robots to welding, spraying, such as transportation and stacking repetitive work and labor intensity greatly. This graduation design provides an overview of the industrial robot history background and research meaning and the purpose of the development trend. Main design is the main movement of the required robot body, the industrial robot is composed of the waist and the forearm and hand claw, form the shoulder, waist and shoulder big elbow is formed between the arm and forearm, the forearm and hand form the wrist, arm can do rotary motion and movement fell back and forearm do rotary motion and prone swing, gripper do rotary motion and longitudinal oscillation. Mainly expounds how to design the waist, shoulder, elbow and wrist, how to choose these joints drive and transmission way, choose what kind of speed reducer, the choice of gears, bearings, and the design of the shaft.
    Keywords  industrial robots   six degrees of freedom   structure design   Harmonic reducer
    目   次
    1   绪论1
    1.1  课题背景及研究的意义1
    1.2  国内外现状以及发展趋势1
    2  工业机器人结构设计2
    2.1  机器人腰部结构设计4
    2.2  机器人肩关节结构设计7
    2.3  机器人肘关节摆动结构设计10
    2.4  机器人小臂回转结构设计13
    2.5  机器人腕关节俯仰结构设计17
    2.6  机器人手爪回转结构设计20
    3  结构有限元分析23
    3.1   肩关节的有限元分析23
    3.2  大臂的有限元分析24
    3.3  小臂的有限元分析26
    结论 29
    致谢 30
    1  绪论
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