    关键词  混凝土  有限元  侵彻  SPH
    Title    Numerical simulation of kinetic energy  projectile penetrating into concrete  
    In recent years, with the development of economic and the improvement of industrial level, concrete material has been used in all areas. There are kinds of civilian buildings, including roads、bridges、dams, and in the military field, including aircraft bunkers、missile bases and command center. It can be predicted that in the next ten years or even decades, concrete material will still be used because of its excellent performance in various fields. Therefore, the research on penetration and damage of concrete materials is very necessary.
     In this paper, we study the numerical simulation of the projectile penetrating into concrete material by using the finite element software LS-DYNA of LSTC company. We set the projectile with the speed of 200-400m/s penetrating into concrete material. And it is proved that speeding the projectile can improve the depth of penetration into concrete material. At the same time, we also simulated that different angles of projectile penetrate into concrete material. By comparing the experimental results, we can conclude that the angle of projectile penetration has great influence on the results.
    At the end of this paper, the SPH method and the finite element method were combined with the simulation of the projectile on the penetration into concrete material, the value of SPH method is proved in a certain degree.
    Keywords    concrete    finite element    penetration    SPH
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  混凝土侵彻的国内外发展状况    1
    1.3  本文的主要工作    3
    2  混凝土靶板侵彻的数值模拟    5
    2.1  混凝土撞击的特点    5
    2.2  混凝土的动力本构关系和破坏准则    5
    2.3  ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件介绍    9
    3  动能弹丸侵彻混凝土的计算模型    15
    3.1  数值模拟的材料模型    15
    3.2  弹丸和混凝土靶板有限元模型的建立    16
    3.3  数值模拟的模型    18
    4  动能弹丸侵彻混凝土的数值模拟    20
    4.1  弹丸在不同侵彻速度下的结果分析    20
    4.2  弹丸在不同侵彻角度下的结果分析    23
    4.3  弹丸加速度达到峰值时破坏形态的分析    25
    4.4  侵彻过程中能量的分析    26
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