    关键词    五足仿生机器人  机构设计  ADAMS  运动分析  强度校核
    Title       Five foot bionic robot mechanism design and kinematics analysis                   
    With the update of robot technology, all kinds of new type of bionic robot has been developed. Including foot type robot is the research hot spot in the field of robot. This topic to develop is five foot bionic robot, which is in four and six robots on the basis of bold innovation and trying.The five foot bionic robot has the advantage of high stability, bearing capacity is strong, moving fast and conveniently. The research content includes:
    (1) Using 3 d drawing software, five foot crawl bionic design institutions. The agency within the single leg each joint series, parallel motion coordination between others, and when change the direction of movement, steering robot body without rotation to achieve.
    (2) Using D-H matrix of robot kinematics analysis was carried out on the leg, it is concluded that the robot movement of the item, the robot is analyzed on the parameters such as velocity.
    (3) Analyzed using SolidWorks design and assembly good model, with steering gear drive the joints. The model is put into ADAMS environment, materials, constraint and load parameters, kinematic analysis.
    (4) Strength analysis was carried out on the five foot bionic robot mechanism, using the finite element analysis method, strength check every parts and components of robot, imported to come to the conclusion of SolidWorks.
    Keywords   five foot bionic robot  mechanism design   ADAMS   kinematic analysis      intensity check
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  研究意义及应用前景    5
    1.4  本课题研究的主要内容    5
    2  五足机器人机械机构设计    7
    2.1  引言    7
    2.2  腿部结构的仿生学原理    7
    2.3  机器人结构建模    8
    2.4  机器人躯干结构设计    10
    2.5  机器人腿部结构设计    11
    2.6  关节驱动器    16
    2.7  本章小结    17
    3  五足仿生机器人单腿的运动学分析    18
    3.1  引言    18
    3.2  单腿的运动学分析    18
    3.3  单腿足部末端的轨迹规划    21
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