    毕业论文关键词 无翼末敏弹 转动惯量 稳态扫描 转动惯量设计
    Title Study on the calculation and design of the rotary inertia of the terminal sensitive projectile without parachute
    The design of rotary inertia is of great significance for the realization of stable
    scanning of the terminal sensitive projectile without parachute.This paper mainly
    studies the calculation and design of the rotary inertia of the terminal sensitive
    projectile without parachute and wing.Firstly,the article establishes a TSP model
    with one mass ,and then uses physics formulas and theorems such as the parallel
    axis theorem of susceptibility to derive the formula of rotary inertia around an
    arbitrary axis of the TSP model with one mass ,then derives the formula of rotary
    inertia around an arbitrary axis of the TSP model with two masses.Secondly,the
    article analyses the force of the TSP in the stable scanning .In the stable
    scanning,because the resultant force and moment of the TSP is 0,so we can establish
    the equations and write a program .In this program,we should set the scanning
    angle,the quality of two masses and the coordinate of one mass suitably then we
    can find out the only solution--the coordinate of another mass.Finally,we feed
    all known qualities into the formula of rotary inertia and then,here comes to the
    rotary inertia of the terminal sensitive projectile without parachute and wing.
    Keywords The terminal sensitive projectile without parachute and wing,Rotary
    inertia,Stable scanning,The design of rotary inertia
    目 次
    1 绪论 1
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义. 1
    1.2 国内外末敏弹研究现状 2
    1.3 无伞末敏弹的设计现状 2
    1.4 转动惯量的计算方法现状.. 3
    1.5 转动惯量测量的实验方法现状 4
    1.6 本文研究的主要内容. 5
    2 坐标系的定义及基本定理 6
    2.1 坐标系的定义. 6
    2.2 基本定理和公式 6
    3 无伞无翼末敏弹转动惯量的计算 9
    3.1 无伞无翼末敏弹理想化模型. 9
    3.2 无伞无翼末敏弹单质量块模型转动惯量的计算.. 9
    3.3 无伞无翼末敏弹多质量块模型转动惯量的计算 14
    3.4 本章小结. 19
    4 无伞无翼末敏弹转动惯量的设计. 20
    4.1 无伞无翼末敏弹稳态扫描段模型 20
    4.2 无伞无翼末敏弹模型的力和力矩分析. 21
    4.3 无伞无翼末敏弹转动惯量的设计 26
    4.4 本章小结. 27
    5 实例仿真.. 28
    5.2 多质量块无翼末敏弹的转动惯量计算. 28
    5.3 无伞无翼末敏弹转动惯量的设计 29
    结论. 35
    致谢. 37
    参考文献.. 381 绪论
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义
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