    摘要高速飞行的气动热的预测一直是各国家军事科学的重点研究领域。本文采用工程算法与数值模拟相结合的方式,对不同马赫数下高速弹头零攻角飞行时的气动热环境及内部温度分布情况进行了预测。 弹头模型采用二文模型,弹头表面分为四个部分:驻点、半球部分、锥身部分与锥身尾部大圆面。对前三个部分通过工程计算给出第三类边界条件,对最后部分给出第一类边界条件。结合热传导程序进行弹头内部传热的数值计算,最终得到预测结果。 对于边界层转捩的情况进行了纯粹考虑层流的计算与考虑湍流工况时的情况所得结果相对比,分析了边界层转捩对高速弹头所面临的气动热环境及内部温度分布的影响。27092
    毕业论文关键词  高速弹头  气动热  边界层转捩   数值计算
    Title      Research of the Numerical Calculation of Aerodynamic Heating over Projectile’s Head at High Speed under Angle of Attack                     
    The prediction for the aerodynamic heat of high-speed flight has always been the
    focus of military science research in all countries. Through the combination of
    engineering algorithms and numerical simulation, this paper made a prediction on
    the     aerodynamic heating environment and internal temperature distribution for
    the projectile's head at high speed flying at zero angle of attack under different mach
    A two-dimensional model was applied for the projectile's head, whose surface was
    pided into four parts: stationary point, hemispherical portion, cone body and the
    round face of tapered cone body. For the first three parts, engineering calculation
    was carried out to give the third boundary condition, and it gave the first boundary
    condition for the last part. Combined with the heat transfer program, the paper
    applied a numerical calculation for the transfer of inner heat within the projectile's
    head, and obtained the final results for prediction.
    As for the transition of boundary layers, the paper made a comparison between the
    calculation result only counting the laminar flow and the result counting the
    turbulent conditions, thus showing the impact of boundary  layer transition on the
    aerodynamic heating env-
    ironment and internal temperature distribution faced by the projectile's head at high speed.  
    Keywords    the projectile's head at high speed, Aerodynamic Heating, the transition    of boundary layers, numerical calculation
    目   次  
    1绪论  ..  1
    1.1 研究背景及意义..  1
    1.2 国内外研究现状..  2
    1.3 本文的主要工作..  5
    2弹头各条边上的热流密度计算及热传导计算程序    7
    2.1 高速弹头驻点处热流密度计算  .  8
    2.2 高速弹头球头表面的传热计算  .  9
    2.3 高速弹头锥面的传热计算  .  10
    2.4 平板绕流的传热计算  ..  12
    2.5 圆锥绕流的传热计算  ..  14
    2.6 高速弹头边界层转捩区的传热计算  ..  16
    2.7 热传导计算程序    17
    2.8 本章小结    18
    3弹头建模及数值计算结果分析    19
    3.1 弹头形状及各项参数  ..  19
    3.2 数值计算结果及分析  ..  20
    3.3 本章小结    39
    结论  40
    致谢  41
    参考文献..  42
     图2.1 零攻角下球锥形弹头各部位热流密度示意  .  8
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