       The Design of The Hydraulic Vibration Table                 
    Abstract.This paper describes the characteristics of the hydraulic vibration system, working principle, performance characteristics and application prospects and development. Then designed the mechanical body, calculated the hydraulic components’ parameter and determined the their concrete type, the choice of the servo valve also been done, next were servo-hydraulic cylinder’ calculation and design, and the establishment of the hydraulic system, some of the mechanical parts of the system had strength check. And on this basis to establish a hydraulic servo control system, the mathematical model required, and then draw the Bode diagram of the transfer function, the dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic system were analyzed.
         Key words: hydraulic vibration , dynamic characteristics and transfer function, the performance analysis .
    目  录

    1 绪论                                                                                                                                      
      1.1 课题来源•1
      1.2 课题意义2
      1.3 液压振动技术的应用与发展2  
    2 课题介绍
      2.3 液压系统结构和工作原理6
    3 液压伺服振动系统的设计计算
      3.1负载分析与计算• 8
      3.2 确定液压缸与系统参数• 9
    3.2.1 由系统负载确定液压缸的结构参数• 9
    3.2.2 确定液压缸的供油力•10
      3.3 计算选择电液伺服阀和位移传感器和伺服控制器•10
        3.3.1 计算选择电液伺服阀•10
        3.3.2 选择位移传感器•12
        3.3.3 伺服控制器的确定•12
      3.4 液压泵的选择•13
      3.6 泵站的选择•13
      3.9 计算液压缸壁厚14
    4 系统的动静态性能分析
      4.1 确定各组成元件的传递函数•16
        4.1.1 确定电液伺服阀的传递函数•16
        4.1.2 液压动力元件的动特性•17
        4.1.3 伺服放大器、位移传感器的动特性•18
      4.2 系统方块图•19
      4.3 系统的稳定性分析•19
        4.3.1 确定系统的开环传递函数•19
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