    摘要冲击波的压力大小及作用范围是评估弹药武器威力的主要技术指标,而如何能够准确的测量冲击波的压力,具有重要的工程意义。由于冲击波的有效带宽比较丰富,要想准确测量冲击波的数据,实现不失真的测量,就要求测量系统具有较高的工作带宽,具有较好的动态特性。本文针对典型的冲击波压力传感系统,进行激波管动态校准试验,并基于 MATLAB 环境开发了一套冲击波测量系统动态校准数据的处理软件。26322
    关键词  冲击波压力传感系统、激波管、幅频函数、相频函数
    Title   Research on Shockwave Pressure Sensing System’s   Shock Tube Calibration Data Processing Method                                                 
    The pressure size and scope of shock wave is assessment of the main technical indexes of the ammunition weapon power, and how to accurately measure shock wave pressure, has an important significance in engineering. Since the effective bandwidth of the shock wave is relatively rich, in order to accurately measure the of data shock waves to achieve undistorted measurement, requires measuring system has a higher operating bandwidth, and has better dynamics. In this paper, a shock tube dynamic calibration test is carried out for a typical shock wave pressure sensing system, and based on the MATLAB software environment developed a shock wave measurement system dynamic calibration data.
    First, this paper reviews the calibration methods of shockwave measuring system, especially the technology utilize the shock wave tube as the excitation source, and based on shock tube to carry out typical calibration tests of shock wave pressure measurement system.
    Second, the shock tube calibration test data for a typical shock wave pressure measurement system was analyzed and processed. Access the transfer function, amplitude-frequency function, and phase-frequency function of typical shock wave pressure measurement system,
    Last, based on the software MATLAB, the paper designs for the wave signal analysis and processing software environment processing a variety of different data intuitively and clear.
    Keywords  Shock pressure sensing system, Shock tube, Amplitude-frequency function,Phase-frequency function
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  本课题的来源、目的及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状和发展动态    2
    1.2.1  动态测试和校准方法的发展现状    2
    1.2.2  激波管技术作为阶跃校准装置的发展现状    2
    1.2.3  数据处理方法的研究现状    3
    1.3  论文主要研究内容及章节安排    3
    2  基于激波管的冲击波压力传感系统动态校准    5
    2.1  激波管动态压力校准系统    5
    2.1.1  激波管工作原理    5
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