    Title   Design of Mechanical variable speed drive mechanism and reliability analysis                 
    Transmission is an important part of automobile powertrain.It has a direct
     effect on automobile’s quality of momentum and ecomomy,controlling quality of reliability and portability as well as driving quality of placidity and efficiency.With high development of automobile industry and the appearance of modern design method,the design of transmission is required more and more strictly.
    Reliability Design is a modern design method.It Design for reliability To parts or the entire system by studying the product life cycle changes of the quality indicators The main objective of this project is taking a mechanical variable speed transmission for reliability design.First use in this article is more traditional mechanical design solutions for the design of the overall structure,then doing reliability analysis and design
    Keywords:Variable speed drive mechanism,Mechanical Design,reliability analysis
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 汽车变速器概述及发展趋势    1
    2.变速器传动方案    3
    2.1 变速器简介    3
    2.2 传动方案初步确定    4
    2.2.1 三轴之间的位置关系    4
    2.2.2 倒挡的设计    5
    2.2.3 支承方案    5
    2.3 零部件结构方案    5
    2.3.1 齿轮形式    5
    2.3.2 换挡机构形式    6
    2.3.3 变速器轴承    7
    2.4 变速器部分参数的选择和计算    7
    2.4.1  齿轮模数的选取    7
    2.4.2  压力角    8
    2.4.3  螺旋角    8
    2.4.4  齿宽b    8
    2.4.5  初选中心距A    8
    2.4.6  各档齿轮齿数    9
    2.5 轴的设计    15
    3.主要零部件的可靠性分析    15
    3.1  建立系统可靠性模型    15
    3.2  齿轮的可靠性分析    17
    3.2.1  齿轮1与齿轮2的可靠性设计    23
    3.2.2  齿轮7与齿轮8的可靠性设计    26
    3.2.3  齿轮5与齿轮6的可靠性分析    30
    3.2.4  齿轮3与齿轮4的可靠性设计    34
    3.3轴的可靠性分析    37
    3.4花键的可靠性分析    41
    3.5系统的总体可靠性    42
    4.变速传动机构三文建模    42
    4.1  齿轮的三文建模    42
    4.2  输入轴的三文建模    42
    4.3  中间轴的三文建模    43
    4.4  变速传动机构装配体的三文建模    44
    4.5  制作二文工程图    44
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