    关键字:齿轮泵;专用夹具;专用机床 毕业论文
    Gear pump gear hole fixture and special machine design
    Abstract: With the development of the machinery industry, the gear has now become an essential of our country in the energy, chemical, material handling equipment. Although China regardless of the economic, scientific and technological aspects have made great progress, but the gear pump technology gap with developed countries is still very obvious.
    The title of the design of the gear pump housing the gear hole jig and plane design, gear pump is given by analyzing the topic types and properties and advantages, the design can be processed the special fixtures plane of the intermediate gear chamber, required to comply with its location and machining accuracy to achieve the desired surface roughness, the central idea of the design is simple, rational and efficient. In this paper, first introduced the basic concepts of the gear pump, and then analyze the subject in the community and the completion of the target, the final details of design and description of the choice of motor, gear design, fixture design in Description and so on.
    Keywords:  gear pump; special fixtures; dedicated machine    
    1绪论    5
    1.1 齿轮泵的简介    5
    1.2 齿轮泵的研究和发展    6
    1.1.1外啮合齿轮泵    6
    1.1.2 卫星齿轮泵    7
    1.1.3 平衡式复合齿轮泵    7
    1.1.4无啮合力齿轮泵    8
    1.3设计任务书    11
    1.3.1 课题任务内容    11
    1.3.2原是条件及数据    11
    2夹具的设计    12
    2.1原始资料的研究    12
    2.2定位基准的选择    12
    2.3切削力及夹紧力计算    12
    2.4误差计算与分析    13
    2.5夹具设计及操作的简要说明    13
    2.5.1夹具的材料与结构    13
    2.5.2夹具的设计    14
    2.5.3夹具镗套的设计    16
    2.5.4楔形块卡爪的设计    18
    3电机的选择与计算    19
    3.1电机的简介    19
    3.2电机选择的基本要求    19
    3.3三相异步电动机    19
    3.3.1电动机类型和结构形式选择理由    19
    3.3.2确定电动机功率    20
    4传动装置设计    20
    4.1传动方案的选择    20
    4.2V带的设计    21
    4.3齿轮的设计    23
    5轴的设计计算    26
    5.1高速轴    26
    5.1.1轴的材料选择    26
    5.1.2轴传递的功率、转矩计算    26
    5.1.3初步估算轴径    26
    5.1.4 轴的结构设计    26
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