    关键词  超声电机  定位平台  控制算法  LabVIEW  稳定时间  误差评定
    Title  Design and Control of precision optical platform
    The optical platform is a work platform, it uses its own natural frequency vibration isolation effect and other characteristics can effectively avoid the resonance  generated by the environment.It can also eliminate the vibration from the machining precision.It widely used in optical testing, laser scanning ,laser interferometry and optical manufacturing.
    With the development of technology and production, it has become increasingly demanding of the accuracy of platform which required to achieve micron level. Therefore, we design a perfect control system of the precision optical platform.
    The control system uses ultrasonic motor as the power of the platform, using grating displacement sensor for real-time measurement. First, select the appropriate hardware and install a part of the device for this test system, and then, using  LabVIEW to write different control algorithms for system.Software is mainly used to collect the position and control the rotation of the motor,It contains interactive content, test, data processing, display and other contents;finally,  the system use different algorithm to control the platform,such as non-algorithm, the position PID, integral PID, neural network PID algorithm .Choosing the best algorithm as the final control method for the system.
    Keywords  USM  Optical Table  Control algorithm  LabVIEW  Settling Time  Error Evaluation
    目  录    5
    1  绪论    8
    1.1  课题研究的背景及意义    8
    1.2  国内外定位平台技术研究现状    9
    1.3  本课题研究意义及主要研究内容    11
    1.3.1  研究意义    11
    1.3.2  主要研究内容    12
    2  定位平台总体方案设计    13
    2.1  运动控制系统设计方案    13
    2.2运动控制系统硬件平台    14
    2.2.1二文运动平台    15
    2.2.2电机的选择    16
    2.2.3驱动器的设计    18
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