    关键词  服务机器人  运动控制系统  DSP28335  PID控制
    Title    An Omnidirectional Mobile Service Robot A Design of Motion Control System Based on DSP 
    Motion control system of service robot based on the DSP controller will be an important direction of the development of the motion control systems technologies. So the study of robot motion control DSP-based systems has important significance. The main task of this project is a motion control system of omnidirectional mobile home service robot based on DSP, which will make the service robot to go forward, rotate, obstacle avoidance and grab items such as a series of functions enable. Firstly, this article introduces the concepts of robot motion control system, selects the appropriate sensors and control chips. Secondly, this article gives some key circuit diagrams of the motion control systems. Then it introduces a method of modular programming and gives some important programming functions of some important modules. Finally, each module of the robot will debugged preliminary, and has achieved the better result.
    Keywords  Service Robot  Motion Control Systems  DSP28335  PID
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题来源及研究意义    1
    1.2  机器人运动控制系统概况    2
    1.3  本课题主要工作    4
    2  控制系统总体方案设计    5
    2.1  系统结构    5
    2.2  主控制器简介    7
    2.3  避障模块方案设计    9
    2.4  机器人方向识别模块方案设计    12
    2.5  关节角度控制模块方案设计    13
    2.6  本章小结    17
    3  系统硬件电路设计    18
    3.1  系统总体硬件电路设计    18
    3.2  电源模块电路设计    19
    3.3  串口通信电路设计    20
    3.4  PWM信号处理电路设计    21
    3.5  模拟电压转换电路设计    22
    3.6  本章小结    23
    4  系统软件及其控制算法实现    24
    4.1  控制系统软件总体构架    24
    4.2  系统主程序设计    25
    4.3  数模转换模块程序设计    25
    4.4  模数转换模块程序设计    28
    4.5  I2C总线模块程序设计    29
    4.6  路径计算模块程序设计    32
    4.7  单关节角度控制模块程序设计    33
    4.8  本章小结    36
    5 系统调试与结果分析    37
    5.1  红外测距模块调试实验    38
    5.2  模拟电压调试实验    39
    5.3  串口通信实验    40
    5.4  单关节角度控制调试实验    40
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