    系统GPS接收模块选择ublox公司的NEO-6T 芯片,微处理器模块选择ST公司的STM32F103RCT6单片机,再与其他的一些硬件一起组成了硬件平台,然后在Keil MDK编译环境上编写程序。系统所需实现的功能主要为接受原始的GPS信息,进行坐标变换,数据处理,最后解算出载体的姿态角,实现对载体的姿态测量。
    关键词  姿态测量  GPS  STM32F103RCT6  姿态角
    Title    Design of GNSS-based carrier attitude measurement system                                           
    With the rapid development of information technology,IT has penetrated into both military and civilian fields.In the field of vehicle, aircraft and ship,attitude parameter is one of the important navigation parameters, and attitude measurement has gradually become the focus of vector navigation.In this paper, the design of a dual antenna attitude measurement system based on GPS is studied.
    The GPS receiver module selects the NEO-6T chip of ublox, and the microprocessor module selects the STM32F103RCT6 microcontroller of ST.And then together with some other hardware to form a hardware platform, and then in the MDK Keil compiler environment to write the program.The function of the system is mainly to receive the original GPS information, coordinate transformation, data processing, and finally solve the attitude angle of the carrier, and realize the pose measurement of the carrier.
    In this paper, the function of the system is evaluated, and the feasibility of the system is verified.. According to the actual situation of the research, this paper will sum up the future work and put forward the prospect of the future.
    Keywords  Attitude measurement  GPS  STM32F103RCT6  Attitude angle
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究的目的和前景    1
    1.2  国内外发展现状    1
    1.3  论文内容总体安排    3
    2  系统总体设计    4
    2.1  GPS测姿原理    4
    2.2  系统总体设计    5
    2.3  STM32处理器    5
    2.4  CH340T USB转串口芯片    6
    2.5  ublox NEO-6T芯片    7
    2.6  本章小结    9
    3  系统硬件设计    10
    3.1  硬件总体设计    10
    3.2  处理器模块电路    10
    3.3  电源模块电路    11
    3.4  串口通信模块电路    11
    3.5  数据采集模块电路    12
    3.6  PCB设计    14
    3.7  本章小结    15
    4  系统软件设计    16
    4.1  软件开发平台介绍    16
    4.2  系统流程    17
    4.3  STM32处理器模块    17
    4.4  GPS芯片NEO-6T数据读取    19
    4.5  本章小结    20
    5  实验验证及结果分析    21
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