    关键字  稳定平台   二级稳定平台  数字式增量PID控制算法   动静态测试
    Title  The Measurement and Control System of Servo Platform Design                 
    Stabilized platform is widely used in ships, military and other areas of science and technology, installed in all kinds of sports on the carrier, in order to realize the movement of the carrier and carrier weapon system isolation function. This article is mainly around the level of stabilized platform and secondary mechanical structure of the stabilized platform and stabilized platform control scheme , on the precision of the stabilized platform and the static and dynamic test. In this paper the hardware and the hardware of the stabilized platform was introduced, the perspective of precision design control scheme of stabilized platform is introduced also. This paper aims at introducing digital incremental PID control algorithm is applied to stabilization platform. The performance of the stable platform is mainly embodied in the dynamic and static experiments the accuracy, stability and adjust the time. In this paper, the test parameters corresponding to the precision of the static and dynamic systems in the sports and the precision of the interference conditions are analyzed and summarized, the precision of the two axis were discussed.
    Keywords  Stable platform; The secondary stabilized platform; Digital incremental PID control algorithm; Dynamic and static test
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外稳定平台系统的研究情况    1
    1.3  本文的主要内容    3
    2  稳定平台的结构设计    4
    2.1  常见稳定平台结构设计方案    4
    2.2  一级稳定平台结构设计    5
    2.3  二级稳定平台结构设计    5
    2.4  二级稳定平台的设计结构介绍    6
    3  稳定平台硬件系统    8
    3.1  稳定平台的硬件选型    8
    3.2  稳定平台传感检测系统    10
    3.3  稳定平台动力系统    10
    4  稳定平台控制方案    14
    4.1  传动系统的控制器的选择    14
    4.2  稳定平台的控制类型    14
    4.3  数字式PID控制方案    16
    5  实验设计与分析    21
    5.1  静态实验    21
    5.2  动态实验    24
    5.3  实验分析    25
    结  论    26
    致  谢    27
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景及意义
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