    关键词  四旋翼飞行器,建立数学模型,PID控制器,动态特性,飞行试验
    Title The test and analysis of the dynamic Characteristics of the Rotor UAV                                           
    With the development of space technology, whether in the military, or in industry and agriculture, the aircraft tends to be low cost, high performance, strong stability requirements more and more high and four rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in these areas has the advantages of strong.Therefore,it is of widespread concern.The described in the research history of the quadrotor and the foundation of today's development, focusing on the basic working principle of the aircraft, and how to use coordinates of the kinematics and dynamics analysis and facilitate the establishment of the mathematical model of test and control. Subsequently, the aircraft flight attitude control by PID controller, and several flight test, using curve relation is obtained to analyze the dynamic characteristics of, can eventually achieve the motion attitude of quadrotor have deeper understanding of the future and can achieve more accurate and stable control.
    Keywords Quadrotor,the establishment of mathematical model,PID controller,dynamic characteristics,fight test
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  发展历史与研究现状    1
    1.2.1  发展历史    1
    1.2.2  研究现状    3
    1.3  课题来源与论文结构    5
    1.3.1  课题来源    5
    1.3.2  论文结构安排    5
    2  四旋翼飞行器模型的建立与辨识    7
    2.2.1  引言    7
    2.2  建立坐标系    7
    2.2.1  机体坐标系    7
    2.2.2  地面坐标系    8
    2.2.3  坐标系间的转换    8
    2.3  控制原理    10
    2.3.1  悬停运动    10
    2.3.2  垂直起落运动    11
    2.3.3  横滚运动    12
    2.3.4  俯仰运动    13
    2.3.5  偏航运动    13
    2.4  建立非线性系统模型    14
    2.4.1  运动学模型    14
    2.4.2  动力学模型    15
    2.4.3  系统非线性模型的运动学与动力学方程    16
    2.5  系统非线性模型中具体参数的辨识    17
    2.5.1  机体自身转动惯量    17
    2.5.2  转子绕轴的转动惯量    20
    2.5.3  转矩系数与升力系数    20
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