    关键词  设施规划  SLP  生产系统  布局
    Title  The analysis and optimization of rim manufacturing system  layout analysis and optimization                                                
    The development of the manufacturing industry is growing very fast nowadays, so,it has been the goal of all manufacturing venders to stand out in the fierce market competition, and only by reducing cost and improving the quality of the products constantly can they survive. From the traditional view, the key point of reducing the cost lies in the improvements of product design and process technology. According to the data, material handling cost takes 20% ~ 50% of the manufacturing cost and material handling is directly related to the planning layout of facilities, an effective layout design can reduce 30% of this cost. As a result, one of the key factors that decide the product manufacturing cost is the layout of facilities.
    From some serious issues in JiangSu SMD wheel co., LTD. workshops like the irrationality of logistics transportation routes, poor production environment, disorder of the facility layout,etc., this paper proposes a reasonable solution  using the System Layout Planning(SLP) approach. This paper also redesigns production system and designed new scheme of factory layout.
    Keywords  facility planning  SLP  production system  layout
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景及意义    1
    1.2  理论综述    1
    1.3  论文主要内容    5
    2  轮毂车间概况    7
    2.1  公司简介    7
    2.2  轮毂产品生产工艺    7
    2.3  现有车间布局图    9
    2.4  工厂现存问题分析    10
    2.5  解决方案    11
    3  轮毂生产系统设计    16
    3.1  原有生产系统分析    16
    3.2  新的生产系统设计    16
    3.3  设计方案评价    22
    4  新厂区整体布局规划    23
    4.1  旧厂区布局分析    23
    4.2  新厂区车间布局设计    34
    4.3  设计方案评价    37
    4.4  新厂区布局图    38
    4.5  涂装车间设计    39
    结  论    43
    致  谢    44
    附录A  新轮毂涂装系统工艺时间参数    46
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题背景及意义
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