    关键词:   导弹总体结构设计   三文建模  气动力预估  地空导弹
    Title  The certain type of missile general structure design and analysis of aerodynamic parameters 
    Developed in this paper, the former Soviet union "Sam - 2" missile as an example, with reference to the northwestern polytechnical university courses - missile overall structure design, design specifications, combing the related data and text of articles, in order to set up suitable for surface to air missile overall 3 d model of rapid design of pneumatic, including power system adopts the integral solid rocket ramjet.
         This research mainly concentrated in the following aspects:
         1. Improved the exquisite course of northwestern polytechnical university - missile overall structure design, design specification of aerodynamic shape model, and the related data and information for validation, and indicate the source;
    2. According to relevant data, using SolidWorks software for 3 d modeling, 3 d model is established. And according to the model, the fast accurate missile aerodynamic performance parameters are given;
    3. At last, using software Datcom to estimate the aerodynamic force of accuracy, input basic parameters based on the three-dimensional model, according to the corresponding program, the output of aerodynamic parameters, and report to and get the corresponding results.
     Analysis causes of the error, pointed out the direction for future development. The development of our country has important reference value for surface to air missile.
    Keywords:Missile overall structure design      3D modeling    Aerodynamic forecast   surface-to-air missile
     目    次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  本文的研究目的及意义    1
    1.2   地空导弹发展综述及趋势    1
    1.3  国内外研究发展现状    2
    1.4 主要研究内容    3
    2  总体设计    4
    2.1 概述    4
    2.2弹道设计与过载计算    4
    2.3 质量分配    5
    2.3.1  I级与II级质量分配    5
    2.2.2 质量分布假设    6
    2.4 舱段划分    6
    2.4.1 坐标系建立:    6
    2.4.2 舱段划分    6
    2.5  气动外形设计    7
    2.5.1 翼面设计    7
    2.4.2  弹身设计    21
    3  导弹总体外形结构    23
    3.1绪论    23
    3.2 绘图    23
    3.3说明    24
    4  Datcom气动参数分析    26
    4.1 Datcom软件功能及使用    26
    4.2 Datcom气动参数分析    27
    4.3Datcom计算结果与总体设计计算结果的比较    28
    结  论    30
    致  谢    31
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