    关键词  镍基高温合金  高速切削  切削力  表面粗糙度
    Title    Research on the cutting force and the surface roughness of nickel based alloy in high speed cutting.                                             
    Nickel based high temperature alloy has many good physical and mechanical properties such as high temperature strength, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance and so on, it is an indispensable material used in aerospace field. But the nickel based alloy is one of the most difficult alloy in the cutting process, because the cutting force is very large and the cutting temperature is very high, what's more, it has very serious work hardening in the cutting process. So, how to improve the machinability of nickel based alloy become an urgent research topic. 
    In this paper, we use carbide insert ccmt1204 to cut nickel based alloy GT4169 with a high speed in order to study its cutting force, surface roughness and the chip shape. First, we simulate the cutting process with DEFORM-3D. By single factor test and orthogonal test of high speed cutting of nickel based alloy, we analysis the influence of cutting parameters on cutting force, surface roughness and chip using the line graph and range analysis method.
    The test shows that: The extent of cutting parameters influenced on cutting force is feed rate, cutting depth, cutting speed; The extent of cutting parameters influenced on the surface roughness is feed rate, cutting depth, cutting speed; The influence of cutting speed on chip is maximum. Finally, according to the experimental results, we obtained the experience of cutting force prediction model.
    Keywords  Nickel based alloy  High speed cutting  Cutting force  Surface roughness
     目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  镍基高温合金特点    1
    1.2  高速切削加工技术    3
    1.3  高速切削镍基高温合金的研究现状    5
    1.4  课题背景    7
    1.5  主要研究内容    7
    2  镍基高温合金GT4169车削的有限元仿真    9
    2.1  有限元仿真软件DEFORM-3D    9
    2.2  仿真的前处理过程    9
    2.3  仿真的模拟过程    10
    2.4  仿真的后处理过程    11
    2.5  本章小结    13
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