    关键词  反后坐装置  落锤  试验台   总体设计
    Title   The design of a recoil system’s drop test bench -General Design                  
    Recoil system test is indispensable in the studies of medium-caliber and large-caliber guns. The principle of recoil movement produced by acting on the recoil part by using drop hammer kinetic simulation the energy of gunpowder is used to design the recoil system’s drop test bench. This topic is one of the sub project "the design of a recoil system’s drop test bench ", The general design of the recoil system’s drop test bench is designed. In this paper, the overall structure and parameters is designed, the pulley and the frame is designed, the structure of the collision between the drop hammer and the recoil part is designed, the structure of the collision between the drop hammer and the foundation is designed, and the related analysis and calculation are done. The MATLAB for four order Runge Kutta is used to design and calculation of the collision process. And the results with the forces of gun bore and recoil movement is very similar.
    Keywords  recoil system  drop hammer  test-bed  general design
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  研究背景与意义 1
    1.2  目前反后坐装置落锤试验台研究现状 1
    1.3  课题主要的研究内容  1
    2  总体设计 3
    3  主要参数设计 5
    3.1  落锤和后坐体之间的质量配比  5
    3.2  参数的选择 11
    3.3  架体结构的方案 12
    4  结构设计及技术设计 13
    4.1  碰撞装置的设计 13
    4.2  滑轮的设计 24
    4.3  架体的设计 27
    5  成果展示 30
    结论  31
    致谢  32
    附录A 落锤质量为1000kg时完全非弹性碰撞的计算程序 34
    附录B 落锤质量为1000kg时完全弹性碰撞的计算程序 35
    附录C 落锤质量为1500kg时完全弹性碰撞的计算程序36
    附录D 落锤质量为2000kg时完全弹性碰撞的计算程序37
    附录E炮膛合力与后坐运动的计算程序) 38
    附录F 四阶龙格库塔法的完全弹性碰撞计算程序 39
    附录G四阶龙格库塔法的完全弹性碰撞计算程序 40
    1  引言
    1.1  研究背景与意义
    1.2  目前反后坐装置落锤试验台研究现状
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