    摘要为了使70 mm航空火箭弹机电触发引信设计更加优化,系统分析了该设计方案的结构和工作原理。该引信设计方案能够满足航空火箭弹保险与可靠解除保险以及擦地炸等功能要求。
    火箭弹引信通常采用曲折槽机构来识别较小后坐过载。用刚体动力学方法分析带有普适性的曲折槽机构物理模型,建立数学模型。再以服役多年的某引信为例,运用matlab软件对已知的后坐过载等离散数据插值拟合,采用四阶Runge-Kutta法解算曲折槽机构运动微分方程,分析其运动规律。适当减小惯性筒簧预压量、减小惯性筒簧刚度与增大惯性筒系统质量都可以在一定程度上使引信能够识别更小、最小甚至能达到45 g的后坐过载。适当减小曲折槽倾角可以提高勤务处理安全性。25392
    毕业论文关键词  机电引信  刚体动力学  几何分析  曲折槽  数学建模  设计原则 
    低后坐过载  尺寸链
    Title The design and related technology research of electromechanical fuze for aircraft rockets
    In order to make the design of electromechanical fuze for 70 mm aircraft rockets more optimal, analyzes the structure and how it works. The fuze meet aircraft rockets insurance and reliable arming and brushing exploding and other functional requirements.
    Rocket fuze to respond the low setback overload method is usually designed a zigzag device in fuze. Analyzing the physical model with a zigzag device by rigid body dynamics, to establish a mathematical model, and examples of the fuze service for many years . Using matlab software to interpolate known setback overload and other discrete data and fit a function, using fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to solve the equations of motion zigzag device, and analyze the movement. Draw the conclusions of appropriate to reduce the amount of inertia cylinder spring preloaded, reduce inertia cylinder spring stiffness and increase the mass of the inertia cylinder system can make fuze certain extent, be able to identify low setback overload, the minimum even reach 45g, and appropriate to reduce the zigzag device inclination can improve the security of processing service.
    Calculate the dimension chain of fuze, to verify the design is reasonable or not in geometry. All the parts dimensions and components assembled in 48 calculated dimension chains meet the technical requirements. Structural design of the fuze is reasonable.
    Keywords  electromechanical fuze  rigid body dynamics  geometric analysis  zigzag slot  mathematical modeling  design principles  low setback overload  dimension chain
     目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  选题背景和意义 1
    1.2  国内外研究概况 2
    1.3  本文研究内容 2
    2  航空火箭弹机电触发引信设计分析 4
    2.1  引信构造 4
    2.2  引信工作原理 4
    3  曲折槽机构数学模型的建立 7
    3.1  惯性筒下降时受力分析 7
    3.2  惯性筒下降运动时数学模型的建立 10
    3.3  惯性筒上升运动时数学模型的建立 13
    3.4  惯性筒下降与上升运动的可实现性分析 15
    3.5  惯性筒与导向销之间的碰撞分析 16
    4  曲折槽机构的实例分析 18
    4.1  拟定研究对象 18
    4.2  对选定对象参数及前述算式数值的确定 18
    4.3  曲折槽理论研究所使用软件的介绍 21
    4.4  弹丸发射时箭-5引信在主动段内所受后坐力分析 21
    4.5  弹丸发射时箭-5引信下降运动过程分析 24
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