    摘要: 锅炉作为一种能源转换设备,在工业生产中得到了广泛的应用。它通过煤、石油或天然气的燃烧放出的化学能,并通过传热把热量传递给水,使水加热(或变成蒸汽),热水直供给工业生产和民用生活、供暖,所以锅炉的主要任务是:把燃料中的化学能最有效的转变为热能。本次毕业设计的题目是SHL10-2.5/400-A。在整个设计过程中,作为技术支持进行了热力计算、强度计算和烟风阻力计算。为了是小型锅炉的结构紧凑,大部分受热面都布置在炉膛内,同时,还要确保有一定的气密性来保证炉膛内进行负压燃烧。同时,利用CAD绘制出锅炉总图,本体图,集箱图,炉墙图。24758
    Thermal design of SHL10-2.5/400-A boiler
    Abstract: Boiler is one kind of energy conversion equipment, has been widely used in industrial production. Combustion chemistry by coal, oil or natural gas, and heat the heat transfer through the water, the water heating (or vapor), direct hot water supply to the industrial production and civil life, heating, so the main task of boiler is: convert the chemical energy of the fuel into heat energy the most effective.
    The graduation design topic is SHL10-2.5/400-A.
    In the whole process of design, as a technical support for the calculation of the thermodynamic calculation, strength calculation and smoke wind resistance. In order to small boiler has the advantages of compact structure, large heating surface are arranged in the furnace, at the same time, to make sure that there are certain to ensure airtight negative pressure within the combustion chamber.
    At the same time, using CAD to draw the boiler body general layout, map, set box, furnace wall chart.
    Keywords: steam boiler  heating calculation  drag calculation
    1 绪论    3
    2我国锅炉现状    3
    3锅炉的分类及原理    9
    4 热力计算    13
    4.1锅炉规范、辅助计算和热平衡计算    13
    4.1.1锅炉参数    13
    4.1.2设计燃料与特性    13
    4.1.3辅助计算和热平衡计算    13
    4.2炉膛计算    18
    4.2.1炉膛结构    18
    4.2.2炉膛传热计算    21
    4.3 蒸汽过热器计算    23
    4.3.1 蒸汽过热器结构计算    23
    4.3.2蒸汽过热器传热计算    23
    4.4锅炉管束计算    26
    4.4.1锅炉管束结构计算    26
    4.4.2锅管束传热计算    27
    4.5省煤器计算    29
    4.5.1省煤器结构计算    29
    4.5.2省煤器结构计算    30
    4.6空气预热器计算    31
    4.6.1空气预热器结构计算    31
    4.6.2空气预热器传热计算    32
    5 烟风阻力计算    34
    5.1锅炉管束阻力计算    34
    5.2省煤器阻力计算    35
    5.3空气预热器阻力计算    35
    5.4除尘器总阻力计算    36
    5.5烟囱阻力计算    36
    5.6烟道自生通风力计算    37
    5.7烟道系统总压降    38
    5.8风道阻力计算    39
    5.9热风道阻力    39
    5.10炉排进风管阻力    40
    5.11风道自生通风力    40
    5.12风道系统总压降    41
    5.13送风机的选择    41
    5.14引风机的选择    42
    结论    43
    致谢    44
    参考文献    45
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