    Speaker connector stamping die design
    Abstract:A molding tool for designing a set ofly hurtling bore, falling anticipating.Want to proceed the craft analysis to the washer first, analyze through craft with contrast certain molding tool a model number for and pressure machine, making sure pressure machine.Analyze again to wash to press a molding tool for processing apply the type the choice a molding tool for needing design.Get a molding tool for will designing type empress expresses out each work zero parts design process of the molding tool.
    In text file the first part, described to wash the development condition that press the molding tool primarily, explain to wash the importance that press the molding tool and the meaning of this design, to craft that washing and pressing the piece analyzes, the craft project really settles.Pass, line up the design of the kind diagram to the spare parts, complete the calculation of the material utilization.Proceed again the calculation that wash cut the craft dint with wash to cut mold work part of designs calculation.Finally to the design of the main the parts of zero with the choice of the standard piece, draw for this design molding tool to take shape the offering with the molding tool according to, and for assemble each size of diagram offering according to.The design project passing before draws an each spare parts of molding tool diagram with assemble the diagram.
    Keyword:Wash to press;Fall to anticipate to hurtle the bore;Molding tool construction
    绪论 ……3
    1 零件的分析    6
    1.1 零件的工艺性分析    6
    1.1.1 设计题目内容    6
    1.1.2 材料的性能    6
    1.1.3 冲压成型工艺分析    6
    1.2 工艺方案分析    7
    1.2.1 方案种类    7
    1.2.2 方案比较    7
    1.3 拉深工艺计算    8
    1.4 一次翻边工艺的计算    8
    2 设备的选择    9
    2.1 落料所需要的力的计算    9
    2.2 拉深所需要的力的计算    9
    2.3 冲孔所需要的力的计算    10
    2.4 翻边所需要的力的计算    10
    2.5 选择压力机    11
    3 模架的确定    13
    4 排样设计    14
    5 工作零件的设计    15
    5.1 落料工序的计算    15
    5.2 拉深工序的计算    16
    5.3 冲孔工序的计算    17
    5.4 翻边工序的计算    17
    6 辅助结构零件的设计及选用    18
    6.1 模具总体结构设计    18
    6.2 凸凹模固定板    18
    6.3凸模固定板    18
    6.4 垫板    19
    6.5 卸料板    19
    6.6操作与定位方式    20
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