    毕业论文关键词: 铰链板;级进模;弯曲成型
    Mould design and process analysis of a hinge plate
    Abstract: The project focus on the mould design and process analysis of a hinge plate. To satisfy the manufacturing of different specifications and amounts of hinge plates, a multi-step progressive die will be used. It includes stamping, bending, sizing and cutting. First, to make it available for different size of hinge plates as well as easy to operate, pneumatic adjustable punch is selected for the stamping. Besides, the sheet should be pre-cut. The excess material will not be cut until the bending formation is completed. The purpose of processing in this order is to assure the torsion strength and avoid distortion so that the quality of the product can be guaranteed.  The bending formation includes three steps: pre-bending for twice and final forming. For the bending formation, the female die is placed on the top while the male die is at the bottom. So the edge of the sheet will roll upward. This method can burr the edge as well. The use of guide pin in the design of mould will help when locating, thus meet the precision requirement of the hinge plate.  By using such a multi-step progressive die, we can not only assure the quality of the product, but also save cost and time. Thus the whole manufacturing process will be convenient.
    Key words: hinge plate; multi-step progressive die; bending
    目  录
    绪论  1
    1  铰链板的工艺分析  4
    1.1  铰链板的用途 4
    1.2  铰链板的结构特点 4
    1.3  铰链板的材料特性 4
    1.4  铰链板材料的成型性能 5
    2  模具基本结构的确定 6
    2.1  方案的确定6
    2.2  冲裁模7
    2.3  弯曲成形模9
    2.3.1  第一次弯曲模 10
    2.3.2  第二次弯曲模11
    2.3.3  第三次弯曲模13
    2.4  冲裁模14
    2.5  整形模16
    2.6  切断模17
    2.6.1  切断模1 18
    2.6.2  切断模2 19
    2.7  重要零部件设计20
    2.7.1  活络冲头 20
    2.7.2  导正销 21
    2.8  模具材料Cr12的特性22
    2.8.1  适用范围 23
    2.8.2  热处理工艺 23
    3  压力机的确定  24
    3.1  冲裁力的计算 24
    3.2  弯曲力的计算 26
    3.3  冲裁力的计算 27
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