    The design of the Lord conveyer and sorting crossings mechanism of the Flat pieces sorting machine
    The Abstract:This paper systematically analyzes the flat a sorting machine is practical, and its prospects in the logistics industry development, and the sorting machine for flat parts has carried on the comprehensive design and discussed.
    In this paper, the e×isting circular cross belt type sorting system on the new design, adopt chain instead of the previously used belt driving. Simplify the roundabout belt type sorting of the power plant, reduce the number of motor to use, only need a motor can make the main power system operation. Simplify its structure, in order to meet the cost savings, improve efficiency, on the basis of the original into a set of control system adopt three cars structure, reduce the use of PLC, and convenient control.
    According to the requirement of the design content of sorting machine for flat has the main conveyer, the structure and the sorting of the car, sorting crossings has carried on the detailed design, optimize the overall structure size, is the entire device simple and efficient.
    Design through the detailed analysis of this article, regarding the shortcomings in the course of the project was modified and put forward the perfect measures.
    Keywords: flat pieces;sorting machine;chain drive;the car group
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 扁平件分拣机的介绍    1
    1.2 扁平件分拣系统的分类    3
    1.2.1 堆块式分拣机    3
    1.2.2 交叉带式分拣机    4
    1.2.3 斜导轮式分拣机    5
    1.2.4 摇臂式分拣机    6
    1.3 研究扁平件分拣机的目的与意义    7
    1.3.1 研究扁平件分拣机的目的    7
    1.3.2 研究扁平件分拣机的意义    7
    2 扁平件分拣装置的设计    8
    2.1设计参数    8
    2.1.1 任务书要求扁平件参数    8
    2.1.2 拟定各参数    8
    2.2 设计内容    8
    2.2.1 小车电源的交直流选择    10
    2.2.2 小车电机计算及选型    10
    2.2.3 同步带的设计计算及选型    11
    2.2.4 总电机设计    15
    2.2.5 链传动的设计计算    17
    2.2.6分拣道口的设计    19
    2.2.7 主动轴的设计    21
    2.2.8 从动轴的设计    21
    2.2.9 轴承端盖的设计    22
    2.2.10 滚轮轴承的设计    22
    3 设计校核    23
    3.1 主动轴的受力分析及校核    23
    3.2 轴承受力分析及校核    26
    3.3 键的受力分析及校核    29
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