    摘要: 自力式温度调节阀利用温度传感器内的液体膨胀是均匀的,其控制作用为比例调节,控制介质温度变化时,传感器内的感温液体体积随着膨胀或收缩的原理实现自动调节,达到供暖室内温度恒定的目的,减少能耗。
    The optimization design of thermostatic valve
    Abstract: Self-regulating valve with a temperature sensor in the expansion of the liquid temperature is uniform, and its role is to control the proportional control. When the temperature's control changes, the volume of liquid in the sensor temperature is automatic adjusted with the principle of expansion or contraction, for the purpose of the constant temperature in the heating room and reduce energy consumption.
    In this paper, the two-way type valve, which is improved its research and optimization of the design by the two way of internal  flow field and key components , so as to realize the purpose of improving the research performance of wax-type thermostatic valve.3D modeling software is applied to establish the structure of valve and internal flow valve model, through the CFD preprocessor to generate calculating mesh , the  application of CFD software is to discrete solve, you can get the structure of valve and it 's internal flow field visualization graphics, such as stress analysis chart and velocity vector or fluid flow chart .Eventually find the greatest resistance loss  and optimize the structure, making the  resistance loss be the smallest and the flow is most stable. And make improvements of the thermostatic valve 's spool and spring  and others .
    Key Words:Thermostatic valve; three-dimensional simulation; optimization design

    1 绪论    1
    1.1 温控阀研究的意义    1
    1.2文献综述    1
    1.2.1 对温控阀结构及原理的研究    1
    1.2.2自力式温控阀的分类    1
    1.2.3国内外温控阀发展情况    2
    1.3 课题研究的内容    4
    1.3.1 温控阀结构设计    4
    1.3.2传感器的选择    4
    1.3.3 Fluent模拟仿真及流场分析    5
    1.3.4优化设计    5
    1.4 预期创新点    5
    2阀体的设计与计算    7
    2.1阀体设计    7
    2.1.1 材料的选择    7
    2.1.2阀体选型    7
    2.1.3 设计厚度    7
    2.2  感温包设计    8
    2.2.1  温包的分类    8
    2.2.2 温控阀结构形式的选择    9
    2.2.3弹簧的选择    9
    2.2.3  温包结构设计计算    10
    2.2.4 阀杆行程计算    11
    2.3 阀芯设计    12
    2.3.1 阀芯材料的确定    12
    2.3.2 阀芯形面的确定    12
    3 结构静力学分析    14
    3.1线性静力分析    14
    3.1.1线性静力分析基础    14
    3.1.2 ANSYS软件介绍    14
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