    The design propulsion system and hydraulic proportional speed control system
    Abstract: The rapid development of modern society, science and technology changes with each passing day, and the engineering technology demand more and more, the system of modern engineering machinery is becoming more and more high to the requirement of driven approach, is becoming more and more widely, hydraulic propulsion is more commonly used in engineering machinery system means of drive, hydraulic propulsion system presents a strong development trend. But in the process of advancing often need to promote effective control of speed and advancing speed requirement and often changes with the load and the change of working condition. This topic requirements according to the requirements of the propulsion load and different propulsion speed curve is required to design a set of hydraulic proportional speed regulation system, make the system output speed can be changed with the change of a given signal and automatic. Asked to complete the subject system is the related design calculation, checking and simulation, and the mechanical structure design. The purpose of this thesis is to design a suitable hydraulic system oil of the propulsion system. Calculation and selection of hydraulic system, determine the propulsion system of the valve, motor, hydraulic components, such as the choice of element. And the shield thrust system principle diagram of the hydraulic integrated valve block is designed. Design of the valve block can satisfy the use requirement, safe and reliable, reasonable structure, medium weight, has a certain practical significance.
    KeyWords: hydraulic; propulsion system; proportional speed control system
    目  录
    1 序言    5
    1.1 前言    5
    1.2 课题内容    5
    1.3 课题意义    5
    1.4 液压系统的基本组成    6
    2 文献综述    6
    3 方案论证    8
    3.1 液压推进系统的同步方式    8
    3.1.1 液压缸机械连接的同步回路    9
    3.1.2 串联液压缸的同步回路    9
    3.1.3 采用同步液压马达的同步回路    10
    3.1.4 采用调速阀的并联液压缸同步回路    10
    3.2 液压缸推进系统的加载方式    11
    3.2.1 采用容积调速的方法进行加载    11
    3.2.2 采用电磁换向阀的节流调速的方法进行加载    12
    4 设计内容及设计方案    12
    4.1 设计的总体方案    12
    4.2 解决的主要问题及研究的基本内容    12
    4.3 研究方法及技术路线    13
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