    关键词: 模具设计;工艺方案;结构设计

    Crystal shell molding process analysis and design
    Abstract: Punching die has been widely used in industrial. Self-acting feed technology of punching die is also used in production, punching die could increase the efficience of production and could alleviate the work burden, so it has significant meaning in technologic progress and economic value. During the procedure, the workpiece’s craftwork character is analyzed, the workpiece’s CAD drawing are made, so that the workpiece can be better comprehended. Learn the structural craftwork character of the workpiece, so does the drawing and forming craftwork character. After designing for molding process, and ultimately selected the first blanking for deep drawing process. Calculate the size of the roughcast and select its shape. Calculate the times of the drawings, make sure the size of the semi-manufactured workpiece of every steps, and draw the working procedure’s sketch. Calculate the every working pressure, design and draw die’s sketch, select every appropriate parts. Comprehend every needed dies’ character and the issues that is needed to be paid more attention. On the base of the dies’ sketch, the dies’structure is analyzed, and then go on designing their structures and selecting punch equipments. Because of this design crystal shell is very small precision parts, according to the traditional manual clamping impossible to achieve mass production. So focusing on the automatic feeding device designed.

    Key words: Craft project; manufacture; structure design
    目  录
    1  绪论  1
    1.1  课题背景1
    1.1.1  晶振外壳的用途 1
    1.1.2  国内外发展现状 1
    1.2  冲压技术的发展与应用 1
    1.3  模具发展现状3
    2  工艺方案 5
    2.1  零件工艺分析5
    2.2  成型工艺分析5
    2.2.1  成型工艺拟定 6
    3  排样方案 7
    3.1  排样原则7
    3.2  排样图10
    4  工艺参数及力的计算 11
    4.1  模具冲裁间隙11
    4.2  模具刃口尺寸计算11
    4.2.1  刃口尺寸计算的基本原则11
    4.2.2  落料模刃口尺寸的计算12
    4.2.3  拉深模工艺参数的计算12
    4.2.4  拉深模刃口尺寸的计算15
    4.3  力的计算17
    4.3.1  拉深力的计算17
    4.3.2  送料力的计算18
    4.3.3  冲裁力的计算19
    4.3.4  顶件力的计算19
    5  模具总体设计 20
    5.1  总体结构综述20
    5.2  送料方式选择20
    5.2.1  送料板工作原理介绍22
    5.3  卸料方式选择24
    5.4  模具定位方式选择24
    5.5  模具导向零件的选用25
    6  模具主要零部件设计 26
    6.1  主要模板设计26
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