    关键词:减震系统;力学特性;可调减震阻尼器;Bogie suspension structure design of EMU
    Abstract:With the continuous advancement of modern life, the development of transport is
    particularly important, especially in the development of the high-speed train, with transport
    volume,low transportation cost, high efficiency。In support of science and technology, the
    rapid development of the train, especially in contemporary life, high-speed train has become an
    essential means of transport for people to travel. But with the development of the train, on the
    speed of the pursuit of continuous improvement, it generated a lot of problems to be solved, one
    of the more notable problem is caused by the train speed caused unstable, unsafe and
    uncomfortable and other issues.
    To solve these problems, this paper studies how to optimize the high-speed train damping
    system, mainly study adjustable damping shock absorbers ,an important part of the high-speed
    trains semi-active damping system and analysis and checking the mechanical properties of train
    suspension stiffness of the structure . By understanding the principles of damping and use
    corresponding measures to make high-speed trains to run to achieve the most rational, stable,
    safe and comfortable operation. Adjustable damping shock absorbers for the main analysis
    comparing two different ways circulation loop damping shock absorbers, select the appropriate
    circulation loop mode and structural design of the shock absorber damping.
    Keywords: damping system;Mechanical properties;Adjustable shock dampers;目 录
    1 绪论..1
    1.1 动车组转向架发展背景及国内外发展现状1
    1.2 国内外可调阻尼减震器的研究和进展情况..2
    2 高速动车组车转向架悬挂结构力学特性分析4
    2.1 高速动车组车转向架悬挂结构刚度特性.4
    2.1.1 对车辆系统进行数学模型建模4
    2.1.2 动车组车转向架悬挂结构刚度理论计算..6一系悬挂和二系悬挂刚度计算.. 6 转向架回转刚度计算.7
    2.1.3 动车组车转向架悬挂刚度测试方法.9
    2.1.4 转向架悬挂刚度测试结果分析.11 一、二系悬挂刚度测试结果..11 转向架回转刚度测试结果..12
    2.1.5 结论14
    3 高速动车组可调阻尼减震器的研究与设计..16
    3.1 高速动车组可调阻尼减震器研究的背景原因..16
    3.2 可调阻尼减震器作用原理..17
    3.3 高速动车组可调阻尼减震器的设计.20
    3.3.1 可调阻尼减震器循环回路的选取20
    3.4 可调阻尼减震器的结构设计.21
    3.4.1 减震器主体部分设计..21 工作参数的确定.21 活塞杆径,活塞缸缸径的确定.21
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