    摘要:随着铁路列车的高速化,轴承箱作为高速轨道交通的关键部件,其性能及可靠性越来越受到关注。本文介绍了高速列车轴承箱的发展历程、轴承箱在列车上的主要应用以及从轴承的结构设计、保持架、材料、润滑与密封等方面,对轴承箱滚动轴承、齿轮箱轴承等轨道交通车辆关键轴承的技术现状和发展进行综述与计算说明,并对滚动轴承工作的时候受力分析,计算滚动轴承的静强度以及寿命(运行公里)。 19900
    轴箱体安装在地铁车辆车轴两端轴颈上,  用来将全部簧上载荷(包括铅垂方向的动载荷)传给车轴, 并将来自轮对的牵引力、制动力和冲击作用传到构架上去。此外, 它还传递轮对与构架间的横向和纵向作用力。因此,轴箱体是地铁车辆安全运行的一个重要部件。对于轴箱的特征作用、轴箱的工作稳定性提高的方法和轴箱的高效密封装置我们必须得有一个直观的了解。
    Bearing box structure design of 120km/h track traffic vehicle in the City
     Abstract:With the high-speed of  railway trains, bearing box as a key component of
    high speed rail traffic, its performance and  reliability are paid more and more attention.
    This paper introduces the development process of   High speed train axle box,  The
    main application of axle box on the train and  the structural design of bearing、cage、
    material、lubrication and airproof,Review  and the  key bearing rail transit vehicles
    calculation technology status and development  of Axle bearing、Gear box bearing, gear
    box bearing rail vehicles,Analysis of stress when rolling bearing work,Calculation of
    static strength and life of rolling bearing (running kilometers).
         Axle box is installed in shaft neck on both ends of the vehicle axle,  It will make
    all the spring load (including dynamic load in vertical direction) to the axle,And will
    make these that come from traction force of the wheel, braking force and the impact to
    the framework.   In addition, it also transfers the transverse and longitudinal forces
    between the wheel and the framework. Therefore, the axle box body is one of the
    important parts of running of metro vehicle safety. We  must know characteristic
    function of axle box、methods of improving the stability of the crankcase、high
    performance sealing device of axle box. 
    Keywords:Bearing housings; Bearing; Lubrication; Sealing device 
    一 绪论  . 1
    1.1 引言  1
    1.2 课题的背景和意义   2
    1.3 国内外研究现状与水平  . 3
    1.4 发展趋势  . 4
    1.5 本课题研究的主要内容   6
    二 机车车辆轴箱滚动轴承   8
    2.1 机车车辆用滚动轴承类型,特征  . 8
    2.2 滚动轴承工作时的受力分析  9
    2.3 滚动轴承的润滑和文护   10
    2.3.1 润滑作用   10
    2.3.2 润滑剂的选择   11
    2.4 滚动轴承的额定寿命计算  11
    2.4.1 轴承外界负荷的计算  .  11
    2.4.2  滚动轴承的寿命计算和影响因数分析  .  14
    2.5 轴向有弹性的轴箱滚子轴承  17
    2.6 滚动轴承游隙的合理选择  18
    2.6.1 滚动轴承的径向游隙  .  19
    2.6.2 滚动轴承的轴向游隙  .  20
    2.7 滚动轴承的失效形式和计算准则  . 20
    2.7.1 滚动轴承的失效形式  .  20
    2.7.2 滚动轴承的计算准则  .  21
    2.8 滚动轴承的静强度计算   21
    2.8.1 滚动轴承的静强度和计算准则  .  22
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