    摘要:超临界印染不再以水作为携带染料的介质,而是以超临界CO2作为印染介质,在超临界状态下溶解染料进行染色,染色效果与传统印染技术相比有明显优势。它不仅摆脱了传统污染的耗水量大、对环境污染严重的缺点,同时也提高了印染的效率,从而节约染料和水资源,减少环境污染。但是目前仍处于实验室阶段,尚无应用于工业生产,仍然需要新的工艺研究以及新的设备研制。本文的主要工作就是对超临界印染核心设备—染色釜、染料罐的开发,内容如下:采用JB 4732、ASME VIII-2两个标准,对染色釜、染料罐的筒体进行设计计算。
    采用ASME VIII-2及JISB 8284-1993设计出一个具有快开结构的染色釜,并进行了强度校核、疲劳校核和水压试验。根据标准手册选择、设计密封的O形圈及沟槽结构,并采用三角铜环与O形圈的组合密封。根据标准选择接管和高压法兰,设计一系列配件并对其进行强度校核。19972
    关键词: 超临界印染;快开结构;组合密封;高压螺纹连接
    Design of supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing kettle
    Abstract: supercritical CO2 instead of water as carrying dye medium in Supercritical dyeing, dyeing in supercritical state dissolved dyestuff, compared to traditional printing and dyeing technology has obvious advantages. It not only gets rid of the traditional pollution water consumption, environmental pollution serious shortcomings, but also improve the printing efficiency, thus saving dyestuff and water resources, reduce environmental pollution. But it is still at the laboratory stage, It hasn't been applied in industrial production, still need to study the new technology and new equipment development. The main work of this paper is on the development of supercritical dyeing core equipment - dyeing kettle, dye tank and the content is as follows: design the cylinder of r dye kettle and dye tank by JB 4732 and ASME VIII-2 standards.
    Designed a quick opening structure of dyeing kettle adopts ASME VIII-2 and JISB 8284-1993 , and check the strength, fatigue check and water pressure tests. According to the standard manual selection, design the sealing O-ring and groove structure, and the use of combined triangle copper ring and O-ring seal. According to the criteria for the selection of pipe and high pressure flange, design a series of accessories and checking the strength of it.
    Dyeing kettle diameter pipe and liquid distributor and nozzle, dye tank barrel body and the clamp using high-pressure connecting thread, and check the strength of the thread needs to check.
    Keywords: Supercritical dyeing;quick opening structure;combined seal;High-pressure thread connection
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 超临界印染的背景及意义    1
    1.1.1 传统水印染现状    1
    1.1.2 超临界印染的意义    1
    1.2 超临界染色技术进展    2
    1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国内研究现状    3
    1.2.3 超临界CO2染色工艺    3
    1.2.4 超临界设备技术现状    4
    1.3 本课题主要任务    4
    2 染色釜的设计    5
    2.1 材料选择    5
    2.2 许用应力选择    5
    2.3 染色釜筒体的设计    6
    2.3.1 筒体的壁厚    6
    2.3.2 壁厚结果分析    7
    2.3.3 筒体强度校核    7
    2.4 染色釜快开设计    7
    2.4.1 符号说明    7
    2.4.2 设计计算    15
    2.5 染色釜疲劳分析    17
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