    关键词  后坐力  力传感器  后坐速度   后坐能量  测试系统
    Title The design of the test system of gun-recoil parameters
    In the research, design and production of guns, recoil energy is one of the most important test parameters, because it can affect the shooting accuracy and the impact on the human body. An objective method of measuring the recoil suffered by human body would be helpful to the studies of the methods for recoil-reduction. How to evaluate weapons’ recoil scientifically becomes an important research topic in the small arms field.
    This paper introduces the test method of Gun Recoil Parameters Test. Using the theories of automatic weapons structure, classical interior ballistics, gas dynamics of weapon and rigid-body dynamics, measurement technology, the analyses of parameter test during the recoil process of small arms firing are conducted.
    Two scheme designs of the test platform of recoil parameters are completed. Their main related mechanisms are designed and analyzed in detail. Their three dimensional modeling and part two dimensional engineering drawings are carried out. According to the characteristics of the small arms’ recoil, the types of force transducer and the charge amplifier are selected. The test system of recoil parameters of small arms is established.
    Keywords  Recoil  Force sensor  Recoil velocity  Recoil energy  Test system
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题来源及研究的意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状与发展趋势    2
    1.3  本文主要研究内容    4
    2  枪械后坐运动分析    6
    2.1  枪的射击过程    6
    2.3  枪的后坐运动分析    6
    2.2  枪的后坐运动参数计算    7
    2.4  本章小结    12
    3  后坐参量测试系统设计    13
    3.1  后坐参量测试平台设计方案一    13
    3.2  后坐参量测试平台方案设计二    18
    3.3  后坐位移及后坐能量测试    28
    3.4  膛口制退器效率测试    29
    3.5  本章小结    29
    4  测试系统主要器件的选择    30
    4.1  传感器的选择    30
    4.2  电荷放大器的选择    31
    4.3  主控计算机系统的选择    32
    结论    33
    致谢    34
    参考文献    35
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题来源及研究的意义
    1.1.1  课题的定义
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