    摘要:本文在理论分析和计算的基础上,完成了路面灌缝机总体设计的车架、钢板弹簧、减振器、底盘布置、车轴安装等设计。在方案、结构和设计方法上进行了认真的研究与选择:采用综合式车架的方案,在上面布置相关的辅助梁以及托架,再在梁和托架上打上螺纹孔用来固定放置灌缝机的加热部件和驱动马达等装置。采用非独立悬架,并以钢板弹簧作为弹性元件,主要是因为此类悬架系统修理方便,制造简单,结构简明。并且钢板弹簧构造明了,修理方便,成本较小,状态稳定。它既可以用来给悬架做导向装置用,也可以用来给悬架作弹性装置用。它的一头与车架连接,把力和力矩进行传递,车轮的跳动也由他控制。同时,它本身也有一定的摩擦减震作用。一举三得。车轴通过套上轴套压在钢板弹簧的压板上并用两个 U 型螺栓夹住。为使其转动更为顺畅,在轴两端安装了两个滚针轴承。减振系统采用双筒式减振器,它的优点是可以便捷的调整阻力,有着较为简单的结构,价格也较为便宜。 19752
    Overall design of road surface irrigation sewing machine
    Abstract:In this paper, theoretical analysis and calculation based on the overall
    completion    of the road surface irrigation sewing machine frame , leaf springs, shock
    absorbers , chassis layout, installation of axles . On the scheme,structure and design
    method has carried on the earnest research and choice: Using the integrated frame
    arranged auxiliary beam and a bracket on it for fixing the screw hole and then
    Threaded hole on beams to  fix the device of heating components and the drive
    motors, etc . Take the independent suspension and choose leaf spring as the elastic
    element , mainly because such a suspension system is simple in structure, easy
    manufacture and maintenance. And the leaf spring structure is simple , reliable , low
    cost , easy maintenance. It is an elastic suspension components , but also as an
    suspension guide. It connected to the frame, and moment heritability, control
    wheel.At the same time, it also has the certain friction damping effect. It has many
    functions. Axle sets out the sleeve, the pressure on the leaf spring plate, two U-bolts
    are clamped. To make axle rotational flow, two needle roller bearing shaft is installed
    on both ends. Use double shock absorber as the suspension system . Its advantage is
    to adjust the resistance  conveniently, simple structure, low price.
    Keywords:seamer irrigation, the chassis, suspension, leaf spring and other
    parts seamer 目录
    1.1 灌缝机的简介„ 1
    1.2 灌缝设备的分类 1 
    1.3 路面灌缝设备在国内外发展概况与水平 2
    1.4 课题的提出与主要研究内容„ 2
    1.5 本章小结„ 4
    2 路面灌缝机的总体方案设计„5
    2.1 路面灌缝机的总体设计„ 5
    2.2 路面灌缝机修补裂缝的工艺流程„ 5
    2.3 路面灌缝机的原理„ 7
    2.4 路面灌缝机车架类型的选择„ 8
    2.5 路面灌缝机悬架类型的选择„11
    2.6 路面灌缝机减震系统的选择„12
    2.7 本章小结„13
    3. 路面灌缝机的悬架设计计算14
    3.1 悬架性能参数的选定14
     3.1.1 固有频率„14
     3.1.2 悬架的挠度14
     3.1.3 悬架的弹性特性15
     3.1.4 悬架的单轮满载簧上质量15
    3.1.5 悬架的刚度15
    3.2 路面灌缝机钢板弹簧的设计计算„16
     3.2.1 钢板弹簧结构设计„ 16 3.2.2 钢板弹簧主要参数的确定 16
    3.2.3 钢板弹簧刚度的验算 20
    3.2.4 钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高及曲率半径计算„ 20
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