    关键词  稳定杆  液压系统  液压执行器   
    Title   Active lateral stabilizer bar  hydraulic actuator design              
    Automatic stabilizer bar system can skew the trend in the vehicle when turning up the heat on vehicle rapid heeling moment, reduced body roll Angle and roll Angle speed, and increases the size of independent suspension tire normal force, thus improving the wheel and the road adhesion conditions and so on.One of key components of the hydraulic system for automatic stabilizer bar, this article will focus on 12 land rover aurora, for the development of automatic stabilizer bar hydraulic system research.
    First the model for automatic stabilizer bar structure design.On the premise of the original transverse stabilizer bar, its structure was improved, join the hydraulic system of actuators, get new automatic stabilizer bar mechanism.And the automatic stabilizer bar system as required by the various driving conditions analysis, lays the foundation for the hydraulic system design and calculation.
    According to the requirements of the automatic stabilizer bar system performance and the size of the space, and control the constraints such as requirements, design requirements for automatic stabilizer bar hydraulic system are analyzed and the working condition of hydraulic system, hydraulic system and the main parameters, and formulate the function of can achieve need hydraulic system schematic diagram, detailed description of the automatic stabilizing rod hydraulic system design and calculation process and calculation.
    Given all the key components of the design process in detail, and draw the assembly drawing, 3 d model is established
    Keywords  Stabilizer bar  The hydraulic system  Hydraulic actuator
     目   次
    1绪论    2
    1.1研究背景    2
    1.2 自动稳定杆系统国内外发展概况    3
    1.3 自动稳定杆液压系统    3
    1.4 论文主要研究内容    4
    2主动式稳定杆系统工况分析    6
    2.1 主动稳定杆系统工作原理    6
    2.2 自动稳定杆液压系统工况分析    8
    2.3 本章小结    11
    3 主动式稳定缸的液压系统设计    12
    3.1 液压系统方案设计及主要参数确定    12
    3.2 拟定液压系统原理图    22
    3.3 液压元件选择及专用件设计    23
    3.4 液压系统性能验算    26
    3.5 本章小结    30
    4. 液压缸详细设计    31
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