    Title    The design to improve the firing range of 122mm aerial rocket bomb
       With the development of modern war,the using of intelligent weapons has more and more widely, but as once the main weapon of fighter, aerial rocket bomb still plays an important role. Especially the ground attack weapons that fighter carried, large-caliber rockets is indispensable.                 
       The purpose of this subject research is to improve the firing range of Russia´s 127mm aerial rocket bomb to 17km, and to get the most operational distance and combat effect. In order to achieve the improvement of the rocket´s firing range. This design choices the composite propellant with large specific impulse in the rocket engine and perfects the shape of   propellant,then verify its feasibility through calculation of interior and exterior ballistic
    Keywords:Aerial rocket bomb;Rocket engine;Composite propellant  
              propellant;Designing of propellant
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1 航空火箭弹简介    1
    1.2 122mm航空火箭弹的改进趋势    4
    2  122mm航空火箭弹改进设计    6
    2.1 航空火箭弹的设计要求    6
    2.2 122mm航空火箭弹各构成组件设计    7
    3  122mm航空火箭弹的内弹道分析    16
    3.1火箭弹的内弹道介绍    16
    3.2 火箭弹零文内弹道微分方程    16
    3.3 火箭弹内弹道微分方程分析    21
    3.4 122mm航空火箭弹内弹道计算    24
    4 122mm航空火箭弹的外弹道验证计算    27
    4.1 外弹道计算参量选取    27
    4.2 主动段终点弹道诸元计算    27
    4.3 被动段诸元计算    32
    结  论    34
    致  谢    35
    参 考 文 献    36
    1 引言  
    1.1 航空火箭弹简介
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