    关键词破片  冲击摆  旋转编码器  冲量测量装置
    Title    Research on the impulse measuring device of the target fragment
    Since The study on impulse measurement device about targetfragment the birth of anti-missile weapons,as an effective fighting, fragmentation warhead has been as the mainly way that the anti-missile warhe adopted. The size of impulse is an important measure of fragmentation when fragments hit a target.Ballistic pendulum is an effective device to easure. The transient impulse under explosion load indirectly. In order to detect the target effect that the projectile penetrating steel plate, This rticle with the rotary encoder as the core components, has developed the esearch on the projectile target fragment impulse measuring device. Through the study of the theoretical system of ballistic pendulum, the principle and application of photoelectric encoder and the characteristics and research of control system, I designed a impulse pendulum device, fragments recovery device and the impulse measurement system, I had measured the impulse size in the experiment, then compareed with the theory value of impulse and analyzed the causes of error, as an effective way to measure target impulse fragmentation.
    Keywords:Fragment  ballistic pendulum  rotary encoder 
              impulse measuring device
    目   次
    1  概述    1
    1.1  课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外相关研究现状    2
    1.3  本课题设计任务    5
    1.4  本章小结    5
    2  靶后破片冲量测量总体方案设计    6
    2.1  冲量测量原理    6
    2.2  破片回收装置设计    9
    2.3  本章小结    11
    3  传感器原理与选型    12
    3.1  光电编码器    12
    3.2  冲击波压力传感器    16
    3.3  本章小结    18
    4  测量系统硬件电路设计    19
    4.1  单片机介绍    19
    4.2  ATMEGA128外围电路设计    22
    4.3  功能模块设计    26
    5  测量系统软件设计    31
    5.1  开发环境简介    31
    5.2  软件总体设计    31
    5.3  数据处理    32
    5.4  铁电存储器的读写    34
    5.5  本章小结    34
    6  试验与结果分析    36
    6.1  试验现场布置    36
    6.2  试验结果    38
    6.3  实验结果分析    41
    6.4  本章小结    41
    结  论    42
    致  谢    43
    参 考 文 献    44
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