    关键词  弹头挤进  有限元  应力应变  挤进速度  挤进阻力19103
    Title    The ballistic simulation of engraving process of the sniper rifle                                                   
    The engraving process of projectile is a very important part of interior ballistic. A finite element model of the problem with full friction and large strain rate was established to investigate the engraving process by using Hypermesh for grid optimization. The large-scale simulation software ABAQUS/CAE was used to study the characteristics of projectile engraving into the barrel with dynamic explicit algorithm. The stress and strain contours of the projectiles, engraving velocity and resistance curve were obtained in different engraving angles, free strokes and projectile shell materials. On the basis of the analysis results under different conditions, some reasonable reference data for the improvement of the sniper rifle and bullets matching and shooting accuracy were provided.
    Keywords  projectile engraving  finite element  stress and strain  engraving velocity and resistance
    目   次

    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景及意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状    1
    1.3    模拟弹头挤进实验概况    3
    1.4    本文的主要研究内容    4
    2    弹头挤进阶段的理论分析    5
    2.1    枪弹基本参数的确定    5
    2.2    弹头挤进的运动分析    6
    2.3    本章小节    10
    3    有限元法概述及分析软件简介    11
    3.1    有限元法发展概述    11
    3.2    有限单元法基本理论[]    11
    3.3    有限元相关软件简介    13
    3.4    本章小结    15
    4    弹头挤进的仿真建模    16
    4.1    量纲统一    16
    4.2    有限元模型创建及基本假设    16
    4.3    HYPERMESH网格划分    17
    4.4    材料模型    19
    4.5    装配部件    22
    4.6    施加载荷和边界条件    22
    4.7    定义接触    24
    4.8    确定网格类型    25
    4.9    生成JOB    26
    4.10    本章小结    26
    5    不同因素对挤进特性的影响分析    27
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