
    本系统采用C#作为开发语言,数据库采用SQL Server 2008数据库。4323
    关键词:人事管理   C#    SQL Server 2008 
    Into the twenty-first century, as China gradually to modern enterprise information management and efficiency of the transformation processes of office automation has become a must. The development of talent as the core competitiveness of enterprises in the development of enterprises play an unparalleled role. Thus, a good talent management system also will become part of enterprise management. A modern enterprise personnel management system helps businesses reduce costs and improve efficiency, but also can make leaders more clearly understand the relevant information of employees to more rational development of relevant personnel information.
        The system of personnel management for SMEs development and design staff, in the needs of the user based on the analysis, then the corresponding solution. From database design to the preparation process, from software testing to the system operation and maintenance of the system in strict accordance with the relevant software design process.
        This article first briefly introduces the development of corporate personnel management system status and trends, and set out the purpose and topics of significance. Second, under the current personnel management system, general organizational structure and business processes of the system requirements analysis, also discussed the personnel management system for the detailed design process.
         The system uses C # as development language, the database uses SQL Server 2008 databases.

    Keywords: Personnel Management   C#   SQL Server 2008
    目  录
    摘要: 4
    Abstract: 5
    第一章 绪论 4
    1.1课题的目的和意义 7
    1.2国内外研究现状与水平 9
    1.3发展趋势 10
    1.4本论文的主要内容 12
    第二章 系统分析 15
    2.1系统需求分析 15
    2.2可行性分析 16
    2.2.1技术可行性分析 16
    C# 技术 16
    SQL技术 18
    2.2.2经济可行性分析 20
    2.2.3营运可行性分析 21
    第三章 系统设计 22
    3.1总体设计 22
    3.2详细设计 22
    3.2.1经理模块流程图 22
    3.2.2员工模块流程图 23
    3.3数据库设计 24
    3.3.1系统数据库设计 24
    3.3.2数据库说明 24
    3.3.3数据库的表结构设计 26
    第四章 系统实现 32
    4.1各模块功能实现 32
    4.1.1通用功能实现 32
    4.1.2经理特有功能实现 35

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