摘要: 大学是一个崇尚自由的小社会团体,但也是在这种自由的环境中,师生的交流在渐渐消失。学生总在下课后就匆匆离开教室,似乎无论在课堂学到多少,课后却往往事不关己。在这个信息发达的社会里,利用网络可以建立一个学生和老师课后沟通的桥梁,学生可以通过注册登录,给老师留言;老师可以通过学生的留言主题和内容给予相应的回复,这样可以给学生一个复习和巩固的机会,同时也解决了学生有问题也找不到老师的尴尬境况。师生交流平台运用了ASP.NET技术,VS2008制作前台网页,后台数据库运用SQL 2008后台存储。为了能够方便进行系统样式文护,运用CSS作为页面布局的全局文件,CSS能够使页面代码和局部代码相分离;同时运用SQLHelper类进行数据库操作的封装,这样无需使用大量ADO.NET代码进行连接。论文对师生交流平台的开发做了结构化的分析和设计说明,在论文的结尾部分对师生交流平台进行了展望并提出改进方案。10419
关键词: 师生交流;留言;课后学堂;封装
Communication Platform Between Teachers and Students
Abstract: University is a small freedom society. In this free environment, communication between teachers and students is in gradually disappear. Students always in a hurry to leave the classroom after school, seems no matter how they learned in the classroom and irrelevant for this. I think the communication platform between teachers and students can help many students, in the developed information society, network is used to establish a the bridge of the students and the teacher after class.It is a necessary task. Students can log in and leave a message to the teacher, the teacher can leave a message through the student's subject and content give corresponding reply. What the platform can solve is that they can’t find teacher when they need help. Communication platform between teachers and students use ASP.NET technology, VS2008 made front page. Database using SQL2008 backend storage. In order to be convenient for system maintenance, CSS is used to be global file page layouts, CSS will be able to make the page code and the local code phase separation. The SQLHelper class to encapsulate database operations, so the large number of ADO.NET code to connect is not nesessary. The whole system with structured analysis and design. In the ending part of the thesis is on the outlook for exchange platform improved.
Keywords: communication; notwork; School after class; encapsulation
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 交流平台简介 1
1.3 国内外研究水平 2
1.4 本课题发展趋势 2
1.5 本课题研究内容与重点 2
1.5.1 课题的基本内容 2
1.5.2 本课题的重点 2
1.5.3 本课题的难点 2
1.6 C#简介 2
1.6.1 ASP.NET的开发语言C# 3
1.6.2 .NET框架 3
1.7 C#的开发平台VISUALSTUDIO2010 4
1.8 WEB工作原理 4
1.8.1 HTTP 4
1.8.2 超文本标记语言 4
1.9 SQL SERVER 2008 4
1.10 系统开发进度安排 4
2 分析 5
2.1 需求分析 5
2.1.1 系统需求分析 5
2.1.2 课题背景 5
2.2 系统模块功能设计 5
2.2.1 留言信息浏览 5
2.2.2 注册登陆功能 6
- 上一篇:社会标签系统挖掘研究中文博客标签及标签云图的自动生成研究
- 下一篇:UDK科幻风格游戏场景设计与漫游