


    毕业论文关键词  android,手机平台,空气污染指数


    Title   Design and development of urban air pollution index system                     


    With the rapid development of mobile communication technology, various intelligent consumer electronics show explosive growth trend, in which the growth of the mobile phone is the most rapidly, one aspect is reflected in the number of growth have considerably more than the desktop PC, which is based on the android platform, users can be seen everywhere around us; Mobile device itself, on the other hand, are more powerful processing capabilities and intelligent direction of development, people in the pursuit to realize more functions on mobile phones. Mobile phone as a mobile devices carry, provide people with a lot of convenience, but also mobile application based on market. Under the condition of the atmospheric environment is increasingly severe, the pollution index of monitoring software based on android platform  is more important

    This project through interaction with support website for urban air pollution index data, in the mobile phone on the android platform has realized the convenient access to information, the system function mainly includes the air pollution index view, view the short-term trend of view pollution level distribution, pollution index. The short-term trend straightforward by line charts show the pollution level, the pollution level distribution mainly adopts strip distribution, intuitive and clear

    Keywords:  Android ,  air pollution index ,Mobile phone platform 

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1项目背景 1

    1.2编写目的 1

    1.3关于污染 1

    1.4关于ANDROID 2

    1.5关于XML技术 2

    2理论基础及技术支持 3

    2.1概述 3

    2.2 开发软件所用数据库 SQLITE 3

    2.3 XML技术 6

    2.4 JAVA 7

    2.5 ECLIPSE 8

    2.6 ANDROID 8

    3系统需求分析 9

    3.1概述 9

    3.2 系统需求分析 9

    3.2.1 设计目标

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