
    摘  要:由于社会的不断发展和互联网技术的不断更新,人们的生活方式正以飞快的速度被不断改写着。网络作为新型的科技工具,应用于各个行业,人们的工作和生活越来越依赖于网络,网络的极速发展为广大商家提供了更加宽广的信息获取平台和更加多的商业契机,鲜花产业也在不断的适应时代变化发展,因此选择开发设计一个网上花店的意义不言而喻。




    Abstract:Due to the continuous development of society and Internet technology constantly updated, the way people live is by constantly rewriting the at fast speed. Network as a new tool of science and technology, applied to various industries, people's work and life more and more dependent on the network, the network fast development for the vast number of merchants to provide a broader platform for the access to information and more business opportunities, flower industry is also constantly adapt to changes in social development, so choose to develop design an online florist meaning is self-evident.

    This paper expounds the online florist system design and implementation. The development of the system is based on B/S mode, use asp.net and essentially, belongs to the most typical e-commerce sales platform. Electronic commerce is the product of Internet development generated, is supplement and extension of entity sales, as the bridge of the customers and merchants. The system contains the user login registration online florist, view your site information, information query flowers, shopping cart related operations and leave a message to the webmaster, etc. The basic function of online flower shop.

    In this paper, the system investigation, feasibility analysis, data flow diagram, function module diagram, business process diagrams are analyzed in detail. Expounds the use asp.net and used to develop a system has certain function of online flower shop.



    1引言 6

    1.1选题背景 6

    1.2国内外研究状况 6

    1.2.1国外研究状况 6

    1.2.2国内研究状况 6

    1.3研究的目的和内容 7

    2系统需求分析 7

    2.1网站组织结构 7

    2.2业务流程 7

    2.2.1传统的业务流程 8

    2.2.2改进的业务流程 9

    2.3系统功能需求 9

    2.3.1用户功能需求 9

    2.3.2操作人员功能需求 10

    2.4可行性分析 10

    2.4.1技术可行性 10

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