
    摘 要:随着计算机的发展,信息化管理已经成为各行各业不可或缺的管理模式。酒店点餐管理系统可以实现酒店客户的预约点餐功能,在保证订单的分配没有重复的前提下,确保更快更准确的用餐服务。54041



    Abstract:With the development of computer, information management has become an integral part of all walks of development models. Hotel restaurant management system is similar to a fast-food restaurant management platform, its main customer appointment order feature of the hotel ensures distribution of orders there is no duplication, ensure that dining services faster and more accurate.

    This document explains the use JSP related technologies for the hotel reservation is the design of the system and process. The system used for MyEclipse platform to Java for development language, MySQL is the database server for development. It provides details on the system of the production process, in a number of key technologies to the specific instructions. The system mainly includes: dishes, management, table management, order management, user management, and assessment of the management of a series of modules.

    Keywords: hotel restaurant, Java, three tiers

    目  录

    1 绪论 4

    1.1课题背景 4

    1.2系统开发意义 4

    1.3 论文组织结构 4

    2 系统解决方案 5

    2.1 JSP概述 5

    2.2 SERVLET概述 5

    2.3 MYSQL概述 6

    2.4 JAVA概述 6

    2.5 开发环境 7

    3 项目需求分析 7

    3.1 可行性分析 8

    3.2 系统功能分析 8

    4 总体设计与分析 10

    4.1 系统概述 11

    4.2 模块功能设计 11

    5 数据库设计 12

    5.1 E-R模型 13

    5.2 逻辑模型 14

    6 系统模块设计 20

    6.1 数据库访问类 20

    6.2 用户登录 22

    6.3 菜品浏览 22

    6.4 查看预约单 24

    6.5 查看个人资料 26

    6.6 修改密码 27

    6.7 后台管理 28

    7 系统测试 29

    7.1 系统测试的目的及原则 29

    7.2 测试内容 30

    7.3 详细测试 31

    结 论 33

    参考文献 34

    致 谢

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