      Planning and design of Enterprise
    Abstract: Times continue to wax and wane, science and technology advances. Network is making more and more effect on people life. When you are still in school may only surfing the Internet, you may find that you have after ten years use the Internet to work, which is a network of great power. People’s life and production ways are affecting by the network. The topic is the planning and design for today's small and medium enterprise social networks, the main contents include the following: the purpose and significance of the course, needs analysis, the network system design configuration. The design is based on Cisco equipment, based on the core - convergence - access layer structure to build the network topology, automatically received a useful address via DHCP, by piding the VLAN to control the data traffic on the data link layer, from the three on OSPF protocol relying on DHCP to dynamically assign addresses internal use, and after NAT translation to the outside network.
    Keywords: enterprise network; cisco; VLAN; three-tier structure     
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1中小企业信息化的发展    2
    1.1.1中小企业信息化在国外的发展    2
    1.1.2中小企业信息化在国内的发展    2
    1.2 计算机网络技术的发展    2
    1.2.1 计算机网络的发展    2
    1.2.2 计算机网络技术的发展    3
    1.3本课题的背景与意义    3
    1.4 本文研究内容及主要贡献    4
    1.5 本章小结    4
    第2章  涉及的网络技术    5
    2.1 VTP    5
    2.2 VRRP    5
    2.3 OSPF    6
    2.4 NAT    7
    2.5 DHCP    7
    2.5 本章小结    8
    第3章  使用的模拟工具    9
    3.1 GNS3    9
    3.2 SECURE CRT    10
    第4章  需求分析    11
    4.1 中小型企业需求分析    11
    4.1.1  宽带性能需求分析    11
    4.1.2  安全性能需求分析    11
    4.2 本网络系统需求分析    11
    4.2.1  企业部门的分布    11
    4.2.2  企业网络需求的分析    12
    第5章  网络设计    14
    5.1 设备选型    14
    5.1.1  思科C3600    14
    5.1.2  设备清单    14
    5.2 网络拓扑设计    14
    5.3 网络设计思想    15
    5.4 本章小结    16
    第6章  GNS3上的模拟    17
    6.1 GNS3的安装配置    17
    6.2 实验拓扑    19
    6.3 实验代码    19
    6.4 测试结果    23
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