    毕业论文关键词:微博情感分析;情感分析; 多特征; 监督学习
    Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Micro-blog  Based on Supervised Learning
    Abstract: With the development of the Web2.0, micro-blogs gradually become a common essential part of the public life. People communicate with each other and make comments on the Internet by micro-blogs. Micro-blogs are updating constantly everyday and have huge information. Apart form it, the reviews in the micro-blogs are true feelings of the users, thus there are huge hidden values in them. However, the existing research is more about foreign micro-blogs, but Chinese micro-blog sentiment analysis is still in its infancy. This paper uses the method based on supervised learning to analyze micro-blog sentiment, comparing the experimental results of seven kinds of classifiers. Firstly, it uses jieba technique to preprocess the micro-blog texts; then it selects five kinds of feature sets: sentiment lexicons based feature sets, Part of speech combination (N-POS) based feature sets, patterns based feature sets,special symbols based feature sets and sentence length based feature set; finally, it employees seven classifiers to train the model separately and compares their experimental results.
     Key words: sentiment analysis of micro-blog; sentiment analysis; multi-feature; supervised learning
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究的目的与意义    1
    1.3 国内外研究现状    2
    1.3.1 文本情感分析研究现状    2
    1.3.2 微博情感分析研究现状    3
    1.4 论文的主要研究内容    4
    1.5 论文的组织结构    5
    2 相关介绍与理论概述    6
    2.1微博相关概述    6
    2.1.1微博的定义与发展    6
    2.1.2 中文微博中的符号    6
    2.1.3中文微博研究中的困难    6
    2.2文本预处理技术    7
    2.3 特征选择    7
    2.3.1常用的特征选择算法    7
    2.3.2特征选择方法优缺点比较    9
    2.3.3微博的特征选择方法    9
    2.4本章小结    9
    3 基于监督学习的微博情感分析    10
    3.1 监督学习相关介绍    10
    3.2 基于监督学习的整体框架    10
    3.2.1 情感分类    10
    3.2.2 监督学习过程    10
    3.3 特征产生    11
    3.3.1 词典特征    11
    3.3.2 N-POS特征    13
    3.3.3 词性与中文组合特征    13
    3.3.4 特殊字符特征    14
    3.3.5 句子长度特征    14
    3.4 分类器    15
    3.4.1 支持向量机    15
    3.4.2 朴素贝叶斯    15
    3.4.3 K近邻    16
    3.4.4 决策树    16
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