


    毕业论文关键词:第三方支付 存在问题 监管对策

    The network of third-party 

    payment regulatory bodies

    Abstract: With the rapid development of electronic commerce in our country, the attendant is the rise of the third-party payment mechanism, the network of the third-party payment agencies is belong to non bank payment system, its emergence and development, meet and guide the consumption demand of the society, promote the development of the market economy. But at the same time, it also implies a lot of risk, thus strengthening to its supervision is particularly important. The non-financial institutions payment services management approach "of the promulgation of a good interpretation of the problem, countries are increasingly high requirements on the online third party payment institutions. Only after the people's Bank of China for examination and approval of qualified can be considered a legitimate network third-party payment agencies, otherwise cannot be engaged in work related to payment.

        Through analysis on the present situation of online third-party payment, analyzes the existing main problems and reasons, and puts forward how to improve the online third party payment institutions supervision system, effective measures to improve the regulatory means.

    Key Words:Third-party payment, Existing problems,Supervision Countermeasures

    目 录


    一、绪论 4

    (一)研究背景及意义 4

    (二) 文献综述 5

    二、网络第三方支付的概述 6

    (一) 网络第三方支付的界定 6

    (二)第三方支付机构的发展历程 7

    (三)网络第三方支付的现状 8

    (四) 网络第三方支付的的特点 9

    (五)网络第三方支付行业监管的必要性 10

    三、网络第三方支付机构存在的主要问题及原因分析 11

    (一) 网络第三方支付机构存在的主要问题 11

    (二) 网络第三方支付机构存在问题的原因分析 12

    1.主体地位不明 12

    2.网络特性明显 12

    3. 滞留资金的权属不清 13

    四、强化对网络第三方支付机构监管的对策 13

    (一) 现有的网络第三方支付机构监管手段 14

    (二) 强化网络第三方支付机构监管对策 15


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