



    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   impacts of Third-party payment on company sales                     


    Along with the advance of network technology, more and more people begin to use computers for shopping and the turnover of funds. Also with the development of network technology ,e-commerce gradually mature. In the process of e-commerce, third-party payment platform as mediation of the cash flow  , to ensure the safety of the funds and solves the problem of credit problem in the process of trading.

         This paper will on the basis of collecting the studys about the third-party payment platform,  analyzing the corresponding memorabilia on third-party payment enterprises, the enterprise's financial situation before and after the third party payment on, to explore how the third-party payment platform in the enterprise play a role and its’ influence in the sales process. Finally according to the author's own understanding and  related research achievements to give suggestions on how enterprise treat third-party paymentthe  in sales .

    Keywords :third-party payment;e-commerce;trade of enterprise;Alipay

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究目的 2

    1.3  研究方法 2

    2  第三方支付平台相关研究简述 3

    2.1  第三方支付平台的起源及定义 3

    2.2  第三方支付平台的发展现状 3

    2.3  第三方支付平台的作用及影响 5

    2.4  电子商务 5

    2.4.1  电子商务发展 5

    2.4.2  电子商务与企业销售 6

    2.4.3  电子商务与第三方支付 8

    3  第三方支付平台对企业销售的影响研究 8

    3.1  研究对象选择 8

    3.2 关于支付宝对阿里巴巴销售的影响研究 9

    3.2.1  阿里巴巴大事记概述 10

    3.2.2  阿里巴巴财务情况分析 13

    结  论 18

    致  谢 19

    参考文献 20

    1  引言

    1.1  研究背景


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