
    摘 要:农村居民纯收入是指农村居民每年从总收入中扣除一定的支出所剩的收入总和。自改革开放以来,我国农村居民的纯收入水平普遍提高,与此同时,江苏省农村居民的纯收入水平也有一定的变化。但是,江苏省内各个市的农村居民纯收入的绝对差异逐渐增大,农民纯收入的中高收入区在苏南地区集聚,中等收入区、低收入区和较低收入区在苏中和苏北地区连片分布。从增长速度看,农民纯收入增长速度较快的城市首先集中分布在苏南地区,而后又相继集中分布于苏北各个地区。本文就改革开放以来江苏省各个市的农村居民纯收入空间格局演变进行探讨,并针对其中的各种问题提出相应的解决措施。66517


    Abstract:Net income of rural residents is deducted from income of rural residents must be spending the rest of the total income a yearly. Since the beginning of the reform and opening in 1978,general improvement in the net income of rural residents nationwide.Meanwhile,the net income of rural residents in Jiangsu province also has changes.But, an absolute difference of the net income of rural residents among the cities in Jiangsu province increased gradually .Higher income of farmers' net income area in southern of Jiangsu, while,middle-income and low-income area and lower income area covered in middle and north of Jiangsu.In this paper, the data from a 2002-2013 were analyzed,using the gini coefficient to explore whether the development of each region balance,exploring grouped data and analying the change trend of net income of rural residents in jiangsu province.In this article, the net income of rural residents in Jiangsu province since 2002  the city space structure evolution are discussed.And we put forward the corresponding solutions according to the problems. 

    Keywords:Country, net income,the evolvement of spatial structure , Jiangsu province

    目   录

    1   前言 4

    2   研究区与数据来源 4

    2.1  研究区概况 4

    2.2  数据来源 5

    3   数据统计与分析 5

    3.1  江苏省农村居民纯收入总体特征分析 5

    3.1.1  农村居民纯收入总体持续增长 5

    3.1.2  地区间收入分配状况不均衡 6

    3.2  江苏省农民收入的格局演化 7

    3.2.1  地区间绝对差距逐渐增大 7

    3.2.2  农村居民纯收入的水平分异 7

    3.3  区域经济格局演变特征 11

    4   江苏省农村居民纯收入发展意见 12

    结论 13

    参考文献 15

    1  前  言


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