


    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Further research about multi-variety investment of China's foreign exchange reserves persification  


    foreign exchange reserves, as a kind of financial resources for the development of the economy has a great influence, and only when proper use can reflect its value. Huge foreign exchange reserves in China are faced with how to reasonable planning investment path problem, and persification is effective today. For reserve persification has been studied, this paper first simply introduces the foreign exchange reserves persification research background and the related definitions, and then the paper analyzes the current situation in the aspects of the process in China, in addition to the problem are analyzed, and then analyze the achievements of other countries experience and analysis that can draw lessons from the part, and finally put forward opinions and has practical significance for our country's development direction.

    Keywords:  foreign exchange reserves persification ;multi-variety investment ;financial investment;non-financial investment ;portfolio management

    目   录

    1.引言 1

    1.1 问题的提出和研究意义 1

    1.2 论文的研究重点和难点 1

    1.3 研究方法和步骤 2

    2.外汇储备及投资多元化的相关理论 2

    2.1 外汇储备的概念 2

    2.2 投资多元化的概念 2

    2.3 外汇储备投资多元化的内涵 3

    3.我国外汇储备投资多元化现状 4

    3.1 金融资产投资现状 4

    3.2 非金融资产投资现状 7

    4.我国外汇储备投资多元化存在的问题分析 8

    4.1 金融资产投资比重仍偏大 8

    4.2 投资资产价值不稳定 9

    4.3 多元化投资管理主体不完善 9

    5.外汇储备投资多元化的经验借鉴 9

    5.1 挪威的经验 9

    5.2 新加坡的经验 10

    6.我国外汇储备投资多元化的具体策略 11

    6.1 资产多元化管理 11

    6.2 非金融性资产多元化方面的策略 12

    6.3 金融性资产多元化方面的策略 13

    结论 14

    致谢 15


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