

    关键词  债务重组  会计准则  市场反应  公司治理效益

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title         Study of Debt Restructuring Information      Announcement Effect of Listed Companies                               

    Abstract As a main way to solve the financial difficulties of listed companies, debt restructuring gets growing concern. Listed companies use debt restructuring to improve their financial position and to alleviate the pressure of debt in order to maintain follow-up operation. However,debt restructuring will cause a serious moral hazard. Investors make decisions according to the information and statements disclosed by listed companies, which will make the companies face the problem of adverse selection. And in the real economy, listed companies take advantage of some shortcomings in China's accounting standards requirements to get earnings. To study the effect of debt restructuring announcement, we selected 109 listed companies with debt restructuring during January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009. On the one hand, we analyse the motivation of debt restructuring and short-term and long-term effect on corporate performance by comparing the financial indicators of the year before and three years after the debt restructuring. On the other hand, we establish the FF-model to calculate the excess returns and the outcome to study the market effects of the information bulletin.

    Keywords  debt restructuring  accounting standards  market effects  effectiveness of corporate governance 

     1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究目的及意义 1

    1.3  研究内容和方法 2

    1.4  文献综述 2

    2  债务重组相关理论 4

    2.1  债务重组定义 4

    2.2  我国《会计准则——债务重组》修订历程 4

    2.3  债务重组动因 5

    2.4  债务重组意义 6

    3  债务重组公司治理效应实证分析 7

    3.1  样本选取与数据来源 7

    3.2  公司债务重组动因分析 7

    3.3  公司财务指标分析 8

    3.4  本章小结 11

    4  债务重组市场反应实证分析 12

    4.1  Fama-French三因子理论模型 12

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